01; tutoring?

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Emily's POV

"Nerd," Luke spat, pushing me against the lockers, then walking away. I didn't bother fighting back, I was too busy clutching my books and trying to manage getting to my first period class on time.

The worst part about school? Luke is in almost all my classes, and I'm always uncomfortable because I never know when he's going to try and pull something on me.

I never really knew why Luke had always hated me. I had never done anything to him. Because of him and his two friends Michael and Ashton, I'm the whole school's joke. Jerks.

Long story short, we were neighbors about thirteen years ago. Our parents had been surprisingly close, along with us.. But approaching high school, he became the popular one, and he distanced himself away from me. I'm now known as the "nerd." Just because I'm not stupid, and I'm good in school, I'm now considered a nerd. Luke has made high school a living nightmare for me.

Too consumed in my thoughts, I found myself bumping into something hard, and dropping my books. At first I was really embarrassed, thinking I had run into a wall or something. But instead I looked up to find Calum grinning at me.

"You know," he began, bending down to pick up the books I had let fall. "You should really stop looking at the floor when you're walking, I don't know how many times you've bumped into me like this," he finished with a laugh, handing me my materials for the class I was officially late to.

"Thanks," I gave him a small laugh.

Calum was my only real friend. He knows all about Luke and I, and he has stuck by me since the beginning of last year. I'm really grateful to have a friend like him.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" he asked. I had suddenly remembered that it was Friday. Two days without having to deal with Luke. Thank god.

"For now, nothing. You?"

"Same here. Maybe we could hang out or something." he smiled. (A/N: he did NOT mean this as a date.)

"Um, sure. Listen, I gotta get to class. I'll see you later," I waved, without even letting him reply.

I slowly opened the door to find my teacher, Mr. Smith, stop his lesson to look at me. Pretty soon, the whole class had their eyes on me, including Luke. I could see him smirking out of the corner of my eye. He knew why I was late.

"Emily," Mr. Smith started. "You're late."

"I'm sorry sir," I looked at him.

"Very well, take your seat, but don't let it happen again."

I nodded, casually walking to my seat, which was right next to Luke's. I quickly glanced at him to see he was looking at me, chuckling. I rolled my eyes and grabbed out my math book and a piece of paper for notes.

. . . . . . . . . .

As soon as the bell signaling the end of first period rang, basically the whole class charged to the door. Just as I was about to grab the door knob, Mr. Smith called me over to his desk.

"Look, I'm sorry for being late-" I began.

"Its alright, Emily, I wanted to talk to you about something else."

I nodded in reply.

"Would you be interested in tutoring somebody in math? I mean, you're the top in the class, and there are a lot of students who are really struggling. I have paired up a few people, but there are still a few in need of a tutor. So?"

I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Oh sure, that'd be great! When do I start?"

"When I find someone for you, probably next week." he put his pen down on his desk.

"Oh, okay. Thank you," I told him, readjusting the backpack on my shoulder and reaching over for the door knob again.

"See you next week, Emily," he smiled.

"Goodbye sir," I returned the smile, finally walking out of his classroom.

I drew in a deep breath. Hm, I wonder who I'll be tutoring.

tutoring my bully // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now