02; movie night

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Emily's POV

I had finally thrown myself onto my bed, relieved for the weekend. The second I began to get comfortable, my phone vibrated, signaling a call. I looked at the screen, seeing Calum was calling, and answered.

"Hey," I said over the line.

"Hey. You up for movie night at my place in 30 minutes?"

"Sure," I answered happily. "Be there in a bit."

"Okay, byee!" he hung up.

I jumped from my bed, over to my wardrobe. After a lot of looking, I had finally decided on a simple black long sleeved crop top, denim shorts, and my black and white converse. I had straightened my hair and added makeup to my eyes only.

Once I was done with my appearance, I looked at the clock to see it was 10 minutes to five. I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my back pocket. On my way out of the house, I had informed my mom where I was going where as she then told me to call me if anything happens.

My parents knew Calum's family pretty well, so she didn't usually mind if I went somewhere with him.

After driving, I made my way to Calum's front door and opened it myself as if I lived there. I then see his kitchen door open, revealing my black-haired, brown-eyed best friend. "Hey, I just realized we dont have snacks, so we're gonna stop by the market and pick some food up," he explained.

"Oh we don't need snacks, Cal," I said, walking right past him and towards the living room. But before I could make it three steps away, he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back.

"Emily, there is no movie night without snacks," he poked my chest with his pointer finger.

I let out a small giggle. "True, let's go," I gave in.

A little less than ten minutes later, we arrived at a decent sized market.

"Wow, there's like, no one here," I pointed out, referring to the number of cars in the parking lot while I was getting out of the car. I looked at all of them, but something caught my eye. I stopped in my tracks towards the front door. Calum saw me and stopped too.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I had noticed a car that had unusably looked like Luke's. I silently prayed that he wouldn't be here.

"Um, nothing," I answered, continuing to walk towards the door.

Calum jogged to catch up, then holding the door open for me. I gave him a smile.

As we entered the store, I had noticed Luke and his friends Michael and Ashton in the corner of an aisle beside us.

"U-Um," I stuttered. "Let's go this way," I pushed Calum forward, trying to get as far away from the assholes as possible. We walked past some aisles, Calum gathering chips and such, where as I was too busy trying to avoid Luke and his gang. "Calum, that's enough to feed us for a whole week!" I whisper-yelled. "At least let me pay half."

Calum shook his head in disagreement, finding the candy aisle. He took like five pounds of candy and set it in our cart. "Seriously?" I argued.

"Yes, now help me find the soda aisle!" Calum quietly yelled, scattering all over the store. I followed him cautiously, hoping we wouldn't run into Luke. Well, I guess today wasn't my lucky day, because here they are. Calum literally almost bumped into him by running down the aisles, but was able to stop himself before he did.

"Well look who's here," Luke laughed. "Did Emily finally make a friend?" Anger swept inside of me, but I decided to ignore him. I gave Calum the look that told him we should just bail, and he must've understood, because he immediately made his way to the cashier to check out our food.

I just rolled my eyes at Luke, waiting for Calum to be ready to go. Once he was, I saw him start to walk out. I quickly walked past Luke, but before I could get far, he yanked my wrist and pulled me back. "Where are you going?" he hissed.

"Get. Away from me." I looked him straight in the eye, shaking my hand out of his grasp and following Calum out the door.

We quickly hurried to the car and made our way home. I decided to brush off what happened with Luke and just enjoy movie night with Calum.

While we were taking the food out of the grocery bags, Calum out of nowhere said, "Please don't let him get to you. Luke." I simply nodded in reply, which only made him frown. "No, I mean really," he tried again.

"Look, Calum, I'm used to it alright? Of course it doesn't feel good to always have this happen to me, but I'm fine. Plus, he's done much worse. You're the only one who I tell this stuff to, so please don't try and make it a bigger thing than it needs to be."

His frown grew wider.

"Ugh, I'm sorry," I covered my face in my hands. I soon felt tight arms wrap around me as he rubbed soothing circles on my back. "Its okay," he whispered. "Let's just watch the movie." he pulled away from me so we could look at each other. I nodded, taking a seat on the couch with Calum.

He had put in some random horror movie, and at this point, I was scared to death. I kept hiding my face under the covers, which would make Calum laugh. We had ended up eating a lot, since he insisted on buying half the store. When the movie was about halfway in, I had gotten tired. I could barely keep my eyes open, but I forced them open. I was currently laying my head on Calum's shoulder.

When he realized how I was trying to keep myself awake, he laughed. "You can go to sleep if you want," he whispered gently. I smiled at his words. The next minute I was in a deep slumber.

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