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//nishinoya entered a private session with hinata\\

nishinoya: you never told me you and kageyama finally got together

nishinoya: much hurt

hinata: i was going to wait a week before telling anyone in case something went wrong

hinata: how did you find out?

nishinoya: kageyama told the group chat

hinata: oh ok :)

nishinoya: don't think he meant to but everyone is happy for you two

nishinoya: myself included

nishinoya: but i was just wondering

hinata: ?

nishinoya: i think i might ask asahi to go out with me

hinata: :0

nishinoya: i just wanted your opinion and advice on it first

hinata: well do you know if asahi is gay

nishinoya: no

nishinoya: i just really like him

nishinoya: i hope he isn't straight

hinata: you might have to ask him

hinata: at least we know he supports gay people

hinata: maybe like

hinata: come out to him

hinata: kinda like what i did to you

hinata: and hope that maybe he'll come out to you too

the star: that's a big hope

hinata: i know, but if you really want to see if you have a chance with him then it might be your only option

the star: ok

the star: wish me luck?

hinata: something tells me everything will go fine :)

//nishinoya left the conversation with hinata\\

//nishinoya entered a private session with asahi\\

nishinoya: we need to talk about something

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