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A/N: my dumb self didn't realise part of the last chapter came across as weird so - suga sent a YT video explaining stuff to kageyama omg he didn't send him an actual link to guys doing the do

Also there will be no smut at all lmao, just the occasional jokes and such (that's always the case for my stories hehe we don't stan smut on my accounts)

// shrimp, canon king, salty fries, gucci gang, the star, ennoshita, asahi, tanaka, sugawara and dadchi entered the chat \\

tanaka: i hate girls

tanaka: they SUCK

tanaka: apart from kiyoko of course

sugawara: what happened

tanaka: we broke up

dadchi: im sorry to hear that :(

asahi: you'll find someone else

tanaka: i spent so long trying to get in a relationship

tanaka: what if i die alone :')

sugawara: don't be silly

sugawara: if i had to bet

sugawara: id say you're going to get super lucky soon

tanaka: you're so nice suga

tanaka: how you're still single is beyond me

tanaka: people are dumb to not want to date you

sugawara: thank you

sugawara: i have feelings for someone and im just waiting for the right time to confess.

sugawara: and no im not saying who it is

the star:

the star: im writing down a list of who your crush could possibly be

the star: not saying im einstein but

the star: im sure I've figured it out

the star: anyways ciao i need to go buy some ice cream

the star: hope you feel better soon ryu

tanaka: thank you :')

tanaka: do you think i would be a hit on tinder

tanaka: i mean duh

tanaka: im irresistible why did i even ask that

tanaka: im going to download it now

tanaka: daichi maybe you should too since you've never been in a relationship

dadchi: i much prefer to stay traditional and find someone i like as i meet them

tanaka: ok boomer

tanaka: @ ennoshita download tinder with me

tanaka: it'll be fun we can laugh at the cringy people on it

ennoshita: with you on it that wont be too difficult

tanaka: hey :(

ennoshita: but sure i guess

ennoshita: maybe ill actually get in a relationship with someone

tanaka: about time

tanaka: i cant believe nobody has asked you out either

tanaka: theyd have to be a real idiot to turn a blind eye to someone like you

ennoshita: the biggest of idiots im sure

tanaka: absolutely

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