Chapter 2

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The range rover stopped as it drove up to the younger girls new school, the older woman parked the car, she turned to look at the emotionless girl. "Sweetie smile, it's a new state, and a new school. It's gonna be great" Sara spoke as she tried to get through to her daughter. The mismatched haired girl sighed as she opened the door, she jumped out and slammed the door, as she started her journey to the front office. 'Please..Like if this school will be great, the name even sounds ugly, who names a school Midtown High?' Ariana sighed as she thought to her self. she opened the doors to the front office and walked up to the front desk, she stood with her hands behind her back patiently. "Hello, you must be the new girl right? May i have your name" the front desk lady spoke as she looked down at the short girl, she had dirty blonde hair tied up in a bun red-red lips and the tiniest glasses on her nose pushed right up to her eyes, The name tag read Alicia Graham."Umm yeah, My names Ariana Carrillo". Responded the girl almost automatically. Miss Graham scoffed as she turned around in the wheely chair, she leaned down and grabbed 4 items. "Here is your timetable, your locker number and combination, the map of them school and i want this slip signed by all of your teachers and given back to me at the end of the day." The lady said rolling her eyes and slamming the papers down in-front of the petite girl. the young girl scoffed in anger, she snatched the papers away from the woman storming out of the office. Ariana looked down at the papers to see her classes, which read;


Math's Mrs Summer


English Mr Thomas



Humanities Mrs Kathryn


Science Mr Thomas

Ariana walked down the hall, to see her math's class she walked in to see the class was already learning. "who are you?" Mrs summer asked as she turned to the petite girl hearing the doors opening " im new here, my names Ariana Carrillo" the mismatched hair girl responded to the older woman, the woman scoffed. "your not supposed to have two different coloured hair it looks wired, go sit at the back" the pale faced girl sighed shaking her head, she walked down the asile of students to a table at the back of the class. she sat down at the table, pulling out her phone leaning back on the chair. she scrolled through her phone silently laughing at a post she saw.

{  hehe sorry for not updating, i was quite stressed since y'know i have school, if you have any ideas for what happens next please comment :)  }

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