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The class bell rang, the obnoxious teens rushed to put their books away and bolted out the classroom. The mismatched haired girl sighed quietly as she stood up, grabbing her books the young girl walked out of the classroom. Ariana slipped through the horde of teenagers as she was trying to find her next class, she looked down at her timetable.


Math's Mrs Summer


English Mr Thomas



Humanities Mrs Kathryn


Science Mr Thomas

As she looked up she had bumped into a body, the petite woman looked up apologizing "I'm so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going sorry" "its okay, i wasn't looking as well, my names Nicole, Nicole Watson." giggled a blue haired woman as she held her books. Ariana blushed and shyly hung her head. "My names Ariana, Ariana Carrillo" she looked up at the taller woman "I..uhh what class do you have now?"  the mismatched haired-girl questioned as she tilted her head to the right. "i have English with MR Thomas" the blue haired girl responded 'she looks like a puppy!!' Nicole thought as she watched the shorter girl for a reaction. The smaller girl's eyes lit up "I have that too" the girl squeaked out jumping up and down. "We can sit with each other than, come follow me" Nicole chuckled and started walking to class, she laughed slightly when she herd the footsteps chasing after her.

The two girls walked into their class, the blue haired one walking down the aisle of students to the back of the class and the shorter girl walked up to the front desk with a slip, she looked up at the teacher. "Um can you fill this out for me please" the girl asked. The teacher signed the slip and sent the girl to the spare sit, that was coincidentally next to Nicole.

{that's all for now, sorry for the short chapter, ill try and make a longer chapter on the weekend when i don't have school, again sorry. Hope you like this chapter and if you have any ideas please comment on them, if you have any hate on this book than stop reading it...}

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