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The sounds of shuffling feet echoed outside the plain garage door before a tall, pale-skinned male with a black tank-top, jeans, and messy black hair stepped through the door that led from a lit hallway. The light shined on a suit of camo green armor, the helmet on a table beside the hung armor fitted with a silver visor, a chip protruding from the back of the helmet. The male pulled open parts of the armor before clipping it onto his body. 

The arms both had dials at the shoulders, knives holstered in small pockets among the armor. Around the neck of the armor was a torn-up scarf that was there more or less for aesthetic. There were small scratches and scrapes among the armor, war-like marks that make it seem he was out of a covenant-filled ship, but the covenant was gone a while ago, too long for it to make an impact anymore.  

He lifted the helmet and pulled it onto his head, parts clipping into the neck of the body armor. The silver visor flashed as the visor lit up to show everything out of the visor, a few beeps sounding before a male voice spoke out. 

"We're all set, Underdog." The A.I. chimed and the male grunted. "I told you not to call me that..." He said and the A.I. let out a surprisingly real laugh before lights shined from the top of the garage down onto a motorcycle, the garage door opening.  The now armored man sat down onto it before it roared to life, the screen shining to show the specs before the A.I. spoke again.

"Bikes all set. I'm picking up multiple calls coming from the docks along with police transmissions showing a large group of unknowns firing from the docks at police. It'll take at least 8 minutes for a special unit, we can make it in 4." 

"Thanks Luci." The male said as he shoots out of the garage onto a busy road. The motorcycle revved as cars honked loudly and the air rushed around him. 

"Isaac watch your left. On the right! Isaac slow down!" Lucifer, The A.I. yelled from the speakers of the helmet as a map was visible to Isaac, showing multiple paths, but one glowed pink, showing the fastest path available. Isaac laughed as he sped up down the road before turning the corner abruptly. 

"Luci, we need to make it in 3 minutes, not 4. In 4 minutes, they'll probably start making a perimeter, besides, it's only a block away!" Isaac yells as he turned down another road, the docks coming into view, gunshots audible from ahead while red and blue flashing lights could be seen for what seemed like miles. 

Isaac began to slow down before pulling to a complete stop, he got off the bike and looked to his side. Fencing lined all around the docks. Isaac grinned and took his hands to grip the fence before pulling it apart effortlessly, like tearing papers. 

Isaac looked over at the police officers before continuing, ensuring that no-one was following him, or saw him. He crouched down low to the black covered building, gunshots like explosions right next to Isaac now. A helicopter circled around the building, light shining down from it. Isaac looked around the corner and saw a person only a few feet away in a hoodie and khaki's, holding a large rifle. 

Isaac reached around and grabbed the man's shoulder before pulling him hard, causing him to fly around the corner and onto the ground harshly. The gun clattered away and Isaac walked over, the other guy crawling backward as Isaac lifted him up. 

"Who's all here?" Isaac growls and the guy kicks at Isaac's legs, trying to pull from his hands, but Isaac shook his head and threw the man he held into the water effortlessly. He looked around the corner again to see the other groups of masked characters retreat into the building as small balls rolled towards the entrances, smoke emitting from them in large quantities, large armored vehicles pulling up. 

 "So much for getting here early, a special team is already here. Come on Luci, mine as well as get in before they do." Isaac slammed through a close warehouse door, the noise attracting the looks of many people. Isaac looked around as a loudspeaker shouted out with static noise. "All assailants, please exit the building towards the sound of the loudspeaker now!" Isaac grunted as he kept moving forward.

He stopped abruptly and ducked as someone came from behind him, swinging a piece of wood. Isaac shot up and punched him in the stomach hard, sending him flying. Two more similar looking people came froward and Isaac pulled out a small stick and flicked it out to reveal a baton. 

The two people backed up slightly before Isaac ran forward, blocking a swing from the left as he hit the right leg of the first person, causing him to fall, Isaac pulled his head down and met the figures face with his knee as the other one ran, yelling out to what could be assumed was other people. 

Isaac ran forward towards the yelling, and the lights flashed on suddenly as the special team could be heard busting through on the opposite side of the building. Isaac found himself stuck between the special team and the assailants he came for. Soon shots rang out as bullets went back and forth on both sides of him. He ducked and shot forward towards a masked figure. 

He disarmed the unknowing person with ease before throwing the gun at another person, the stock of it knocking the person out cold. He could tell a majority of guns were now pointed to him, but he kept ducking and weaving, all while immobilizing as many people as he could. It didn't take long for the place to quiet again as Isaac looked around the plain white inside of the building before walking to the same door he came in from.

As he planned, the area around there was completely empty, only the sound of sirens and the flash of red and blue lights lit the sky as he walked back to the motorcycle and took off down the road, just as fast as he had been going before, unseen. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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