part 3

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Finally summer
- "Mom, don't forget to put on the school uniform."
_"Hello summer I can't wait. I want to go to the forest and tell him all the stories I have. I want him to see my school uniform.
I want to tell him that I am eight years old ... I hope to find him there"
-"Hello Grandpa Hi Grandma I missed you, I'm going".
Then I went to this forest wearing school uniform,  and when I found him I didn't manage myself and of course I ran towards him but stopped this time because he didn't notice me because he was straying
- "Jin, look who's here." He got out of his strokes and smiled ... but
= "Oh my God, where's the stick?"
- "Don't worry, I memorized the instructions well, look It's my school uniform. Does it look good?"
= "It's beautiful, how was school?"
I started telling him everything how I went through in my year. Maybe everything was silly for an eight-year-old girl, but he was very listening, laughing hard at my jokes and ridiculous tales as if he was listening to something amazing and he decided to take off his mask what a great feeling the fact is that I was the reason behind this  beautiful smile,  and it seemed like he was waiting me

= "Hotaro, new flowers have grown"
= "Look at this butterfly, it looks just like you".
= "Let's go to the river."

And so our summer was like that year after year, we pass a summer unlike any other, and when the time came to return home , my crying didn't stop and he continued to calm me down and inform that the seasons pass quickly
These seasons ended and we return to summer again to renew my happiness and i was ready to tell him my meaningless stories and take him out of his strayness and draw this smile on his face ..
I moved from Educational stage to another, every time I showed him my school uniform so that he could see what I look like. We had a wonderful summers together. He finally decided to talk about himself. He told me everything since he was born. Of course my heart was broken, Was he alone all this time? I saw in his eyes how much he loved me, of course. I fell in love with him when I was six years old, but as he said, was I  a child? The years passed until I completed my eighteen years and increased my height, but he still calls me short. The summer vacation ended and I returned again to the house. As winter came, as usual, everything I think of, is he cold? Where does he  go when it rains?
 Whenever I watch those who have fun in the rain and hold each other's hands I wish I could hold his hands and walk together everywhere in front of everyone, how surprising it would be if he could coexist freely with humans
And I wonder what it feels like when I hold his hand and run together in the rain, why are all our days summer? Maybe he is sad and lonely in these cold nights.

To the forest of firefly lights "Jin" Where stories live. Discover now