Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning, sun spilling across my bedspread, welcoming me gently into the next day. My room was sort of hazy and I barely had the strength to raise my hands and wipe away the clouds. As soon as I did though, I smelled a scent that knocked me back into last night. Eyes wide open, I stared at the black bomber hugged around my body. Suddenly I thought of him and my heart seemed to melt into my feet. Then I remembered.

Scrambling, I nearly fell out of my bed searching for the scrap of paper that he'd scribbled his number on, "where are you...where are you...." I mumbled to myself, searching my mess of a bed for it. I tossed up my light blue comforter and sighed with relief at seeing it lying there, perfect and maybe a little crumpled. I held it to my chest and took a deep breath, trying to relive last night. It was mostly a blur of colors, but at least I still felt it. I feel as if I'm looking through rose colored glasses all of a sudden, my small room with its sunflower yellow walls and stacks of canvases seem to glow a pale pink and shining indigo. I had to call him.....

Suddenly my door was slammed open and my best friend Leah walked in, her eyes as wide as the frying pan she held in her hand. Despite her baggy plaid pajamas looking more or less very unflattering, her hair was a beautiful sight as always. Constantly long, black, and as gently flowing as a river. She is taller than me at 5'6 and has a sort of long face, though quite defined. Her eyebrows and lips are two of her most outstanding features, the eyebrows being naturally dark and long and her lips a sort of delicate heart shape. "Holy shit, Rose. That's not your jacket."

I covered my face with my hands and felt an uncontrollable bout of laughter overcome me.

"Shit, girl. Get your ass to the kitchen this instance and tell me what happened last night or I swear to fuck I'm throwing this fucking frying pan at your face."


"His name is Devon...." I told her from across the small round dining room table. It was 8:00am and she'd placed a glass of orange juice before me, eyes still wide. The sunlight gently shone through the thin white curtains that barely concealed the window above the kitchen sink and I could faintly hear the chirping of birds outside. May in Washington is beautiful.

"Devon? Well....I mean, the name is kind of lame...but was he cute?" She pressed, leaning forward a little into the table, "Give me the details. Please tell me you got his number."

I laughed, another wave of giggles hitting me unexpectedly, "Yeah, I did. And okay....if you saw'd be in awe too."

She raised one of her thin black eyebrows in disbelief, "Oh really? Well, if he's anything like the past guys you've been into over the years I probably won't. Let me guess, he wears eyeliner?"

"Well yes....but he's sort of different." I urged, desperate to express to her how special he was. Even if I had just met him last night, "Honestly, I'm really glad I went to that club...."

"Yeah, I haven't even gotten a thank you for that yet, girly." Leah took a sip of her coffee and gave me a dissaproving look.

For a second I was lost in a bit of confusion but soon enough was knocked to my senses, "I totally forget you were the one who forced me to spend the night out on the town. And I begged you to come with me....glad you didn't." I mumbled the last part.

She broke out that high pitched yet still charming laugh of hers and rested her head on the table, snorting. If you didn't know Leah you might think of her as slightly drunk all the time, but that was just her personality. A fiery, sassy, exuberant Aries. Of course, I could get deeper into the zodiac shit, there was a lot more to sun, moon, rising, and all that.....not all Aries are completely fiery, sassy, and exuberant. But Leah...she fit the stereotype.

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