Chapter 5

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  11:00pm, in the darkened bedroom of Baby Scott

  Baby slowly undid the silk cloth that held her alistair crowley toth deck and carefully fanned the tarot cards out on her hardwood floor. She sat at the end of her bed on the floor, the only illumination coming from the glowing candles on her windowsill and her alter. The house was silent, as her parents were already asleep, and there was a raven cawing outside. She took it as a sign. And not a very good one. She rubbed her goose bump ridden arms and slowly moved her hand over the deck, feeling the energy of the cards and waiting for the right one to present itself.

  She was reading for Rose. And for this new guy, Devon. She hadn't met him, but it always felt like some sort of necessity for her to read into new relationships involving her friends and family.

  The raven continued to crow maliciously and she closed her eyes. Crows and ravens were of two different entities, like black winged cousins. But the raven was bigger, smarter. people always defined these creatures as ugly or worthless or a neusence among birds, but she thought them to be highly misunderstood. At most other given times, she would of welcomed the shrill caw of a raven, but right now it just seemed eerie.

  She opened her eyes and there it was. Her hand reached out and gently pulled the card out from the deck, the one lying at the very end. The very last card to her left.

  She brought it up to eye level, turned it around, and gasped. Her stomach flipped and she swallowed heavily, looking closely at the card.

  It was the devil.

  Some cards, such as death, and the three of swords were highly misunderstood and people take them as bad omens and decide to look no further. Usually there is always a bright side, the better part of the ugly truth. The light at the end of the tunnel. When speaking of the death card, it usually depicts change and growth and maturity. And the three of swords depicts heartbreak and loss, but being able to find the strength within us we never knew we had. Baby particularly liked these kinds of cards. The ones you really had to read into. The complicated ones. Though in truth, some cards were more complicated for different people. And some cards you knew exactly the meaning right away.

  But the devil.....that was something else. That was not like the death card or the three of swords. The devil inflicted all other cards and everything questioned in a negative way. It was toxicity and deception. Addiction and fear.

  In this case it could mean Rose was stepping into a toxic relationship, something that would grow to hurt her. Or it could be giving her insight into Devons life....possibly he's an alcoholic or abuses drugs. It was all too foggy, but none of it was good.

  She placed the card down, her hand still but her head feeling shaky. She was worried. 

  She once again slowly moved her eyes across the whole deck, like a paintbrush, and reached out, picking one near the middle, quite hidden with only its edge sticking out. She took a deep breath and flipped it over.

  "The fool....." her eyes narrowed. The fool and the devil were both major arcana and usually she wouldn't think of this card as something to fear, but paired with the devil it was unavoidable to worry. The fool depicted the exuberance and innocence of a child beginning on a journey, a journey in which the child is unaware of the dangers that lie ahead. In this case, Baby feared that Rose may not know what she's getting herself into.

  She placed the fool down beside the devil and scrutinized the two carefully, her mind swimming with thoughts. She could go farther....part of her wanted too.....but she felt as if she already knew the things she'd see. The two cards before her were enough to tell her what she needed to know, or rather what Rose needed to know.

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