4 | can this end now

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All the members were waiting for this moment, except for Brian. Wonpil reads more of the part.

Wonpil: He agreed with himself quickly, cuts him off, and went for a soft kiss. He was about to pull away when Jae grabbed the back of his head and deepened the kiss. And to that, Jae turned completely sober.

Jae: C'mon hyung.

Jae threw a smile at Brian. Brian cringed again.

Brian: You're joking.

Dowoon: Brian hyung, you can do it. Me and Wonpil hyung did it once.

Wonpil: Yeah! We didn't even kiss but it looked like it! It's easy Brian. If we did it, you can too.

Dowoon: Yeah we did it!

Wonpil: Yeah! Like real friends!

Dowoon: Indeed like......like real friends....yeah.......real friends.

Brian groaned, regretted, and cried internally, all at the same.

Sungjin: Just make it quick!

Brian pursed his lips. After a while he sighed deeply.

Brian: Yeah...Just...just make it quick.

The two guitarists tilt their heads, opposite from each other, and leaning closer to one another. Jae placed a hand behind Brian's head, but Brian was pushing him away, too scared to make contact. Both of them were trying to keep in their laugh and could feel each other's breath.

Sana and Dahyun from Twice just got back to their room, but as Sana was trying to find the right key for their room, Dahyun looks across the hallway and saw Jae and Brian looking like they're kissing. Dahyun taps on Sana's shoulder

Dahyun: Uhm...Sana unnie...

Sana looks at her pointing at the two men doing business.

Sana: I-...I have no words.

Dahyun: Are they together?

Sana: I don't know.

Dahyun: Let's just not talk about it with others so we won't spread any rumors.

Sana finally opens the door.

Sana: Atleast we're not the only same sex couple in this building.

She smiled and winked at Dahyun. Dahyun gave her a deadpan look.

Dahyun: You should stop that.

She always hated her flirting. The two girls enter their room.

All the boys only heard an echo of a door closing at the other end of the hallway. Jae and Brian separated from one another in shock and looked at where the sound came from. It was Twice's door. They all looked at each other.

Brian: Did they... Saw us...

All members bursted out laughing.


Sungjin: Not yet!


After laughing for atleast 5 minutes they finally moved on.

Sungjin: Jae pulled back from the kiss and stares at Young K. His perfect face, his sweet eyes, and his immaculate everything was all he needed. He feels sober now. He's afraid that he's gonna remember this night, but it was too good for him to forget it.

Jae: I'm going.

Brian: Ah... Right.

Sungjin: Young K lets him go. And watches him walk away in the rain. He was thinking about if he's gonna get sick tomorrow, he hopes not. He'd rather have himself sick than have Jae sick.

Jae: Aw Brian so sweet.

Brian: Ew.

Sungjin: He felt getting chilly from the rain. He sighed and decided to go home.

DAY 6 READS A FANFIC | JaehyungparkianWhere stories live. Discover now