How To Deal With Being Approached By The People From The World Of Nothing

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For those who couldn't see the whole title, here it is:

How To Deal With Being Approached By The People From The World of Nothing

Well, if you do get approached by the people from the World of Nothing, I have one word for you, my friend, and that word is "RUN". Don't talk to them and crap like that, just RUN.

Why, you might ask?

Because their breath stinks like the sewers filled with your crap and other disgusting stuff. In short, it stinks like heck..!

And it is highly recommended that you stay 1 meter away from them because their breath can also kill you..!

It is also known that if you accidentally inhale their breath, you might throw up to the point where it becomes your death..!

Plus, the chance of them manipulating you to letting them "borrow" your face for a second is a trick, too..!

I mean, who asks to borrow your face, right? They'll kill you after they you let them borrow your face, that's just a fact.

Now that you know what you need to do when the people from the World of Nothing approaches you, the next one is...

Why you need to visit The World of Nothing..!

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