Chapter 2 : Little Whinging

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 (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

 Dear Ms. Montmorency,

 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

 Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. 

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

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Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

I stare at the letter and start laughing. Everyone in the whole school knows what a big  potterhead i am. It isn't unusual for me to be in the middle of some harry potter prank although i didn't expect it from Ashton. I go to my next class with a big smile on my face. I sit down next to Sophie and tell her all about my day.

"Dang girl! You're lucky." Sophie replies

"I know right. Anyways wanna come to my house for a sleepover tonight ?"

"Not today. Today I've got to babysit" 

I roll my eyes. She'll probably be in a bar tonight getting high.

"Oh it's fine" I reply.

Just great. Another boring day alone at the house doing nothing. Maybe i'll read Harry Potter for the" i don't even remember" time.

As i make way towards my house I am still thinking about the letter. I don't know but something is weird about it. I mean i have gotten prank letters before but not so genuine as this. It made me think that Hogwarts was real.

I did my homework which was surprisingly easy and for dinner I order a pizza with olives on top. Just how I love it. As soon as the pizza arrives I open up my book and start to read. Chapter 1:The Boy Who Lived.

I continue reading till my head drops and I start snoring.

The next day I woke up in a bed which was strangely unfamiliar. I sit up and look around. This is definitely not my room. It was red in color with designs i could never think of and in the far right corner I saw... Was that a cat ?

Trying not to freak out I get up and go down the stairs. On the sofa I see a lady petting cats. A lot of cats. She suddenly looks at me and says

"Finally awake are you now? I'm Arabella Doreen Figg but you can call me Mrs. Figg.

"I'm sorry but how did I get here?"I ask

"By magic of course"

"I'm sorry Magic ?"

"How else do u expect to get here?"

"Where exactly is here?" I ask looking around

"Why you're in Little Whinging"

"But that place isn't real. It's just a fictitious town in Harry Potter and so are you"

"Do I not look real to you ?" 

"You do but.."

"Look at my cats then. Do they seem normal to you?"

They didn't as a matter of fact they looked almost like

"Part kneazle. Your cats are part kneazle"

"Right you are Miss Montmorency"

"Of course.. Hang on! How do you know my name?"

"Well I can only assume that you are Ms. Montmorency since letters have been arriving for you since the morning."

"Letters? What letters? Next thing you're gonna tell me that Hogwarts is real."

"They are as a matter of fact from Hogwarts"

I'm so confused right now. Whoever is pulling this prank on me has gone far enough. Suddenly I'm angry. Angry at Ashton for giving me that Harry Potter book. Angry at Sophie for not showing concern. Angry at whoever this was playing Mrs. Figgs. I'm done with everyone.


Mrs. Figgs cats are all now staring at me in shock but Mrs. Figgs is smiling. Somehow that just aggravates me more.

"Dear would you like to have a cup of coffee? I think you are still a bit sleepy from your 2 day sleep" She replies calmly.

Somehow her voice is soothing to me and I immediately calm down. I realize she is just an old lady trying to help me. The least i could do is cooperate with her.

"I'm sorry." I say

"Whatever for Meg. You very much have a right to be angry. You are in a strange world that you have read about all the time. I understand how much pressure you must be under. It is only normal for you to let out you frustration."

I can feel that my face is now red with embarrassment. I had shouted had the lady how has given me a home and she is understanding and caring. All of a sudden I'm reminded of my mother. I lost her when I was 6 in a car crash. All I can think about is her. She had that accident because of me. All of a sudden I start crying. I go straight up to Mrs. Figgs and hug her.

"There, There Meg everything will be okay. Calm yourself down and I'll bring you some cake." She says calmly.

"That's be great. Also if it's okay I would like to read my letter."I say with a sniffle.

"Of course. I'll get it to you right away." She replies sweetly.

She is so sweet and caring. I don't deserve her.

 I don't deserve her

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