Life hits me like a bus

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I stand there staring at Ashton, no, Josh. "You mean to tell me either I help Harry or die?"

"That's pretty much what I've been telling you for the past one hour" He replies

"Oh I'm sorry but I am about to DIE and you could at least pretend to care." I say

Poor Mrs

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Poor Mrs. Figgs still looking from me and back to Josh.

"You think I don't care! The fate of this world depends on YOU" 

"Oh yeah the world's fate depends on me and I die for it. No problem right ? It's just a stupid girl. It doesn't matter if she dies" I shout

Josh looks like he's about to burst. He just opened his mouth when.

"Enough both of you. Bickering and shouting like children. What are you 11 ?"

"According to this letter yes" I mumble to myself. Josh hears me and tries to hold back a smile.

"Josh we'll talk about this later but for now give Meghan a little time to get used to it."

"It's alright Mrs. Figgs. I'm all better now. It was just a bit surprising."

"No dear, It's not okay. Go and rest a bit in your room for now and i'll bring some coffee along for you. You'll feel better. Trust me." She says with a smile.

I love Mrs. Figgs. It's like she enters my mind and knows just what I want. I gladly head towards my bed and rethink everything. It was about 8 p.m. when I realise what steps I have to take next.

I dash downstairs and crash into Josh. We both fall down, me on top of him. 

"Ow.." I mutter. Then I look up and see Josh staring at me.

"What?" I ask and his expression changes

"Nothing. Just get off me." He replies

"Ummm... Rude much?" I say as I get off.

He doesn't reply and walks away. I really don't understand that guy and I don't have time. I turn towards the other side and start looking for Mrs. Figgs.I find her by the sofa, petting her cats.

"Mrs. Figgs, Great News!! I figured out what I need to do first and I need your help." I say smiling brightly.

"Of course dear. I'll try to help the best I can." She says

I wish my Grandma was like that.

"I was remembering the first Harry Potter book and realised that to defeat Voldemort we must follow every little detail of the book. So in the first book when Harry was about to turn 11, which is in a few days, On the day of Dudley's birthday you don't babysit him."

" I don't ?" She asks

"No, instead you break your leg by tripping over one of your cats. So Harry has to go with Dudley and his friend Piers to the zoo."

"That's surprisingly detailed." She says.

"What can I say ? I know my Harry Potter." I say shrugging.

"Are you sure about this?" Mrs. Figgs asks.

"Oh I'm really sure about this. Also tomorrow we're going to the zoo." I say

"Why?" I hear a voice behind me

I turn around and see Josh standing behind me.

"Oh nothing darling.. I just wanted to see some snakes" I say and start laughing maniacally while both Josh and Mrs. Figgs stare at me.

"Darling? Snakes? The girl's gone mad." I hear Josh mumble

" I hear Josh mumble

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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