Josh Doreen Figg

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I sit there waiting for Mrs. Figgs to come back. She had been gone for quite a while so like a good guest I go and start to investigate her belongings. She has a lot of pictures of cats in her house. I was just looking at them when I saw one picture which interested me the most. It was a picture of Mrs. Figgs with a very young boy who looked like a young version of Ashton. This place is weird. Then I hear Mrs. Figgs behind me. I quickly go back and sit down.

"Mrs. Figgs, if you don't mind me asking, who is that kid with you in that photo ?" I ask

"That is my grandson Josh Doreen Figgs. He will be home quite soon now. You can meet him then." I notice talking about Josh seemed to make her very happy.

" I notice talking about Josh seemed to make her very happy

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"Look at me babbling about Josh. You have to see your letter first!" She says handing me a letter looking exactly like the one that I found inside that harry potter book.

"I have already read this letter" I say

"You have? Well Dumbledore must have extended his owl delivery." She says chuckling.

"You mean Dumbledore is alive?"

" But of course he is! Dumbledore die ? That is unlikely as Queen here catching a rat." She says pointing over to one of her cats.

"What about Harry Potter ?"

"Harry? Why he lives a little way from here. Infact I'm supposed to look after him tomorrow. A brilliant boy if I do say so myself. Kind hearted, cares for people around him and might I say brave. Although, my dear, how do you know about Harry Potter and Dumbledore ?"

I'm still a little shocked to hear that Harry Potter is a little while away from me.

"Umm... Well you see. Where I come from there is a book. 7 books infact about Harry Potter and his defeat of Voldemort. How old did you say he was?"

"He's going to turn 11 soon"

"That means that Harry doesn't know he's a wizard yet..." I think out loud

"I think he does. You see he must have received his letter as well" Mrs. Figgs says.

I'm about to reply when someone steps in through the door. He looks oddly familiar

"Ashton?" I say
The man turns around. Sure enough it is Ashton. I look over at Mrs. Figgs. She's smiling at the man.
"Josh! You're home!"

Josh says something which sound like incredible but doesn't look away from me
"Josh meet our guest Ms. Montmorency" She says guesturing towards me.

"I know him already Mrs.Figgs. He studies at my school. His name is Ashton. Not Josh." I say staring at him.

"Umm...Why do you look so young ?" Ashton asks me.
"I think i should be the one asking questions here Ash" I say now getting angry.
He must know about how I ended up here and did he say I look young ?
"I think i need to explain something. To both of you." He looks at me and Mrs. Figgs.
Mrs. Figgs looks surprised a bit but sits down next to me.
Ashton looks troubled like he was trying to the right words.
"Do not call me that. It's for my close friends only"
"Jeez i was just saying. Anyway i think you both have a right to know."He looks as Mrs. Figgs
"Grandma as you know i work for the ministry. Now there's this branch of the ministry that's so secret it doesn't even have a name."
He pauses to look at us both.
"Now this branch with no name gave me a job to do. To travel to the an alternate dimension and find a really powerful magician. Someone who could help us in case You-Know-Who comes back."
I don't know what to say at his point. Mrs. Figgs looks speechless as well.
Ashton continues
"So i did as I was told i traveled to an alternate dimension,changed my name and went on the hunt."
"There i met Meghan. I felt a strong magical energy coming off from her and I started keeping close watch over her."
"There was just something about her that just.. kind of attracted me. I don't mean this in the wrong way." He adds hastily.
"I realised she is one of the most powerful witch not only in her dimension but at ours too. She was also obsessed with books and that is one of her abilities." He looks at me with awe.
"She can go into books and experience it in real life but it comes with a price. She has to become a part of the story and achieve the ending that originally was in the books or else she dies."
I'm shocked. There is no way this is real. But i pinch myself just to be sure and it hurts. That means this isn't a dream .
"So that means i have to help Harry Potter defeat Voldemort or die?" I say
"That's right." He replies
Somehow this doesn't seem weird to me. I pick up my letter again and open it but something has changed. Somehow instead of being weirded out i felt brave. For the first time in my life I felt I belonged.

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