Chapter 5

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I am presently seated on a comfy chair in the Multi-purpose hall of my school with a friend of mine eating our snacks. She is practically my female best friend but we promised to never call each other best friends, because according to her.

With titles come expectations and with expectations come disappointments

Apart from Joseph, she is one of the closest things to me in this school but she hasn't come up because frankly she does not care. We meet up like once a week to discuss and update each other on the happenings in our lives. That is a nice arrangement if you ask me.

By the way her name is Praise Be Chiemeka as in Praise Be To God but she prefers to be called Praise B like Cardi B. Which is only fair considering the disrespect that is put on her name.

Praise B is plump and fair in complexion, she has a mole under her left eye that gives her a sinister look.

She is of average height and is academically sound. Her parents are middle-class Nigerians and can't afford all the luxury in life but she carries herself like the President's daughter. She has the personality of a cat and has no care in the world. Except for her few friends.

She and Joseph never see eye to eye. She has a huge crush on Joseph

She chews her cream crackers and talks with her mouth full, "Bella so I saw you talking to Kelechi, what's up?"

I keep quiet and stare fiercely at my biscuit, like as if staring at it will eat it.

"Have you decided to make your move and show him what he's missing?"

I glance at her and give a small smile. I don't really want to disclose all these deep Tomiwa-related details to her. Honestly, I love Praise but she possesses an inability to keep delicate issues of the heart to herself.

"It was nothing", I try to shrug it off but with the way she is looking at me now I am sure I am in soup.
Another fun fact Praise B always knows when I'm telling lies so its pointless lying actually.

She rolls her eyes and hands me a milk-flavored candy, I politely decline and then she takes that as a cue to pounce on me.

" You're lying he told you something, in fact he told you something very important to you"

I know Praise B is smart enough to know when someone is lying but that she is smart enough to guess what went down.

I am truly impressed, I must not forget to advice her to join the Nigerian police force when she is out of school. She can be of great help to them.

"What makes you think it was an important discussion, we could have been talking about exchanging food in dining hall", I reply folding the coaster biscuit wrapper in my palm.

I looked nervous, it was a done deal that she found out I was hiding something from the minute we started talking.

" it is so obvious, in fact it is so obvious that I am surprised you haven't figured it out yet" she looks excited and she sits up straighter.

"Number one you and Kelechi NEVER talk as in ever and I now I see you all hush hush with him on walkway".

Oh well, come to think of it, that's true.

She has started gesticulating with her hands to prove her point.

I am in trouble.

She continues, " Number two you have been talking to Tomiwa Adesakin, that's bound to ruffle some feathers"

Now I am shocked and I think she gets the drill because she puts her palm over her mouth as if she just spilled out a secret.

"What do you mean ruffle some feathers?" I ask quietly. I am getting freaked out by this whole thing and I haven't even had the chance to properly be friends with Tomiwa.

"Look its nothing Bella, I am just overreacting", she stands up, she looks like she is prepared to bolt.

"No I don't think so, you know exactly what's up", I wanted to play dumb so she will see no harm in telling me.

" Okay I don't want you ever saying this to anybody in your whole boring life", she folds her arms her expression is grim.

"Tell me Praise B don't you want the best for me?" I reply as I stand

"Promise on your life you will never tell anyone", she makes me swear it.

" Guy if this gist is not premium, you have made me sin against God", I say shortly before I swear it.

She looks almost exactly how Kelechi looked while talking to me the other day, only she looks much more scared.

Then she tells me exactly what went down.


I enter into my dormitory and sit on my bed, slowly.

My dormitory is big enough for eight bunk beds that makes us sixteen in a dormitory. My bunk is on the left at the back of the door and my bed is the down bed, my bedsheet is a neutral brown colour with African print of a Cocoa plantation.

Beside every bunk bed are two lockers one situated up directly beside the top bed and on situated done beside the down bed. In that locker there are two compartments. The upper compartment has a wooden rod where you can arrange your clothes, you can also arrange your provisions and toiletries there. Meanwhile the lower compartment you can arrange your shoes, slippers, detergent and a few things that may not be legally approved to be brought to school.

Half the time I have my privacy when I want to cry or gossip or just generally have my 'me' time.

I am so happy I chose this bunk space because I need my 'me' time now.

For once in my life, I am truly at loss of what to say. I knew I had always lived a boring life but I never knew I was "that" boring to the extent something happened in my set.

Two of my closest friends know about it but I don't.

Until now I have never been known to be associated with 'bad' people, I am the girl that is too good. Annoyingly good. And I am only good because I truly don't have the strength to be bad.

I wish I remained boring.

I really do.

"Bella are you okay"

I have zoned out completely from this planet
"Bella how far you?"

Someone is talking to me, I don't seem to hear or rather I can hear but it seems I have lost the ability to speak.

"Bella oooo", I turn abruptly at the sound of that voice its my matron, Aunty Sharon.

"Ma", I reply

" I have been standing outside your block for the past five minutes waiting for you", she looks irritated as she is speaking ,"Your mother wants to speak with you" she says

I don't really like talking to my mum but lets see what she has to say.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter will most likely be in Tomiwa's POV. Things just get spicier from here.

To Be The Witness [🇳🇬]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang