Chapter 9

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The fan squeaked loudly with no effect. Like for a really noisy fan, it was doing nothing to reduce the heat in this laboratory. I open my Chemistry Practical notebook as my lab partner Fatimah Usman starts the reading of the acid test.

She holds the beaker up, "He said indicator is Methyl Orange", I jot it down quickly and wipe the sweat on my forehead, this labcoat our teachers make compulsory for us to wear every practical class is not comfortable at all. It us as hot as Sokoto in this laboratory.

" Volume of pipette is 25ml or 25cm³", she continues

"Are you sure Fati?", I ask her. I cannot even imagine how sad I'll be if the reading of the acid test is wrong.

This place is too hot for me to stay for more than the allocated time given to the class. It is not as if there is an air-conditioning unit here.

I really should have listened when Mr Ojo was talking.

" Yes Bella I am, I asked Tomiwa" , she says pointing to where he is seated with her index finger, "You know how good he is at chemistry".

She did what?!

Immediately my eyes move from Fatimah and I follow her finger as my eyes seek him. I see him and my heart starts to beat very fast.

He looks so good in our school uniform. He swears he hates it so much. The light blue shirt fits his dark skin color to a T. He grips the the burette with focus in his gaze and I am entranced by his intelligent movements. His partner is that Damola Daniels babe that is always using my height to taunt me, the way sue is staring at him tells me all I need to know about what is going through her mind at the moment. And it has nothing to do with the right kind of Chemistry.

Oh my God. What is wrong with me? I am both excited and terrified of how I feel about him. I really felt Kelechi was the only guy to make me feel that rush but how I feel when I sight Tomiwa cannot compare.

And its all because of that kiss. Till date I can't explain what made me make the first move but I don't regret it because it was too magical an experience. Like a unicorn. Heard of, but never seen. Truth is it was my first kiss, so I shouldn't conclude he is the best but I doubt another guy could beat his he did that.

I blame it one my period whenever I am on, my ovaries do all the thinking.

I started it but when he took over, I felt young. He kissed like a man. A man who has experienced life. He kissed me like he always wanted to do it. Although he has never given me any hint that he has a crush on me or anything along that line. Once his lips left mine, the look he gave me I'll never forget in my life. And in that moment I didn't care what he did in the past.

All in knew it was a done deal. The way he stared at me made me feel like I had feminine power. I wanted to enjoy him. I have actually never felt this bold before.

The teachers sent all students back to their hostels earlier than usual that night claiming we weren't doing anything reasonable anyway. Little did they know.

I didn't get myself that night, I hugged my pillow all night as if it was him and we were cuddling together in his bed in another world. I woke up the next morning feeling light headed. I wanted to see him and talk to him, but I also know I was too shy. On getting to class that morning, instead if him to be all over me like I thought, he was avoiding me.

He wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was avoiding me. There were somethings he always said and did to me almost every morning of class. The days he didn't do those things I noticed. Like how he used to come sit beside me to tell me "good morning" or how he used to ask me if I wanted to get anything whenever he is headed to the Tuck shop. I used to feel somewhat irritated by the attention before but now I crave it badly.

Today is one week since that night and I am starting to feel like a pest. Every time he sees me heading his way, he'll just pass another route. I am out here with my head in the clouds about the whole kiss but he wouldn't even give me the time of the day. I can feel my insecurities coming back with an army of stronger soldiers.

"Have you drawn the table, Bella?", Fatimah's voice pulls me out of my musings. I give Tomiwa one last look of longing then force my attention on my notes. He doesn't even glance at me.

Did I do it wrong? Maybe he realised I am an immature inexperienced baby and he doesn't want to associate himself with me. Or is that what the whole "chase" thing was about? Kiss Bella and you get the prize?

"Shebi it s final burette reading I'll write first?", I ask her so She'll feel I have been following. She turns to me.

" Yes na, Bella. Have you even been listening to me, I already calculated the molar concentration of acid", she says in exasperation.

"I am sorry, I'll focus", I reply feeling ashamed that I let a guy who doesn't even want to talk to me distract me.

It won't be the first time I have received L.


To Be The Witness [🇳🇬]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora