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**This is an idea that was recommended by Instagram by Midnightkitti2

Percy felt sluggish as he walked up stairs of the apartment complex. "Isn't this what you've been waiting for?" Annabeth asked, coming up the stairs behind him. Percy nodded, but his mind seemed to be elsewhere. He have her a small smile when she reached him, entwining their hands together.

"I mean..." He trailed off. "-I'm obviously happy that, you know, everything is over and things can go back to normal. At least, normal for demigods, but..." He trailed off again.

"She hasn't changed Seaweed Brain. She still loves you." Annabeth said, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. He returned her smile, proceeding to go up the test of the stairs.

The two of them could never go to elevators anymore, just because of the end of Tartarus. It took a lot for then to go to Olympus and one of them could never go without the other.

Climbing up seven flights of stairs, they walked down the familiar hallway to apartment 81.

Percy faltered before knocking, but before he could, he heard his mother's voice from inside.

"Paul I heard someone at the door," said Sally, opening the door.

The minute Percy and Sally saw each other it was like all the problems in the world went away.

Sally was holding a pair of oven mitts in one hand, and they dropped to the ground. Her smile grew as big as possible when she noticed Percy.

Out of the corner of his eye, Percy could see Annabeth grinning like a maniac at the encounter.

"Percy," Sally breathed out, rushing towards her son and hugging him tightly.

Percy felt tears in the corner of his eye but blinked them away, burying his head in her shoulder.

After pulling away from the hug, Sally looked down the hall.

"Was Annabeth not just with you?"

Percy looked down the hall and sure enough, it was empty.

"I'll be right back Mom," Percy said, running down the hallway.

However, Annabeth being as athletic as she is, had already made it down the seven flights of stairs and had called down a taxi.

"Annabeth! Annabeth wait!" Percy called, running after her.

The blonde turned around to look at him, confusion evident on her face.

"Percy? Your mom is waiting for you, what are you doing here?'

"More importantly, where are you going?"

"To camp." She said, "My...my dad and stepfamily wouldn't...want me back."

Percy was silent for a second, looking at her confused.

"I'm gonna go back to call Perce, see you there," she said giving him a small smile.

And then her feet left the ground.

"PERSEUS JACKSON PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Annabeth screamed, kicking her feet to no avail as Percy's carried her back into the building.

"You know my mom thinks of you as her own daughter, right?" Percy said, as he reached the apartment entrance again, where Sally and Paul were waiting.

"Hey Annabeth," Sally greeted, a warm smile on her face as she hugged her.

"Why would you think we wouldn't want you here?" Paul asked. "You have spent quite a bit of time here already."

Percy looked between the both of them confused. To his knowledge Annabeth had never even stayed the night.

"Oh!" Sally realized. "When you...when you went missing, Annabeth stayed here a lot." Sally said, smiling again.

She then turned to Annabeth in confusion, "why would you think that you are not wanted here anymore? Annabeth I think of you as my own child."

Annabeth couldn't take it anymore and collapsed, sobbing.

Percy caught her under her arms, hugging her.

After a few moments, she turned back to Sally, smiling and hugging her as well.

Paul clapped Percy on the back "Welcome back, son."

And to be honest it took a second for Percy to hold in his tears as well

Alright this was short and I apologize, but I'm making a longer one legit as you read this, if you're reading this less than three hours after I posted it.

Stay safe, and remember that there are people that care about you, and you matter. ♥️♥️♥️

Percy Jackson Headcannons And Oneshots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now