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'I just noticed I forgot your apron and recipe book at home, should we go get them or is it okay for you to wait for tomorrow?' Thatch said after loading the trunk and sitting in the driver's seat.
'The apron isn't too much of a problem, I'd like to at least read through the recipe book tonight though.' You said, not wanting to look like a lost puppy on your first day.
'To my house it is then!'

The car was now parked, you looked through your window in awe at the size of the house you ended up in front of.
'I had no idea you lived in a mansion T' You said, earning a chuckle from your brother.
You unfastened your seatbelt and got out to help your brother with his grocery bags, if you didn't know about the eating habits of his brothers you'd think he was getting ready for a banquet.

Thatch unlocked the front door and stepped in first, closely followed by you, you noticed him sighing in relief silently and heard a faint 'Thank god' coming out of his mouth.
Following your brother into the kitchen you placed the bags on top of the island and looked around.
'You're lucky it seems no one is home yet so the house isn't messy' Thatch said starting to empty the bags and placing what was previously inside in the fridge, you started helping him too.
'The house isn't as empty as you think' A voice unknown to you said.

You and your brother's heads went in the direction of said voice, a tall man was standing leaning against the entrance of the kitchen.
'What? Are you not gonna introduce me formally to your sister?' The man said with a smile, looking at Thatch.
'Weren't you supposed to be out today?' Thatch asked.
'I was, got home 10 minutes ago actually.' The man replied with a laugh.
Thatch closed a cupboard and turned around to face the two other people in the room before speaking up.
'Luna, this is Marco, he helps me not to go crazy with the others, Marco this is Luna, though you already knew that.'

Marco, you heard that name a few times while on videocalls, it was mostly your brother asking him what was going on then. You smiled at the thought.
'Hi Marco, it's nice finally meeting you, I wish I could say I heard about you a lot but that's sadly not the case.' You said smirking at your brother.
Marco laughed at that. 'Well at least I can say I heard a lot about you, your brother wouldn't shut up once he learned you were moving in here.' He smiled.

A light chuckle went past your lips as you looked at your brother who seemed slightly embarrassed at Marco's statement.
'Anyways, we need to leave before the others get here and it gets too much for Luna to handle, I just needed to give her the book and apron.' Thatch said closing the fridge and grabbing a white box from the top of a counter.
'I told you I could need some entertainment, why are you making the rest of your brothers sound like monsters, I'm sure it can't be that bad.' You told him.
'They're not, Thatch just has a tendency to be annoyed by noise quite easily.' Marco laughed.
'Whatever we're off, I'll be right back.' Thatch said practically dragging you to his car with him.
'Bye Marco! See you soon!' You shot him a smile which he returned with a small wave.

It was now Thatch's turn to help you empty out the grocery bags, though it took less longer this time, not having half as many bags as he did.
'You know you can't keep me away from the rest of your brothers forever right?' You finally said, plopping down on one of the bar stool.
'I know that, it's just that today wouldn't be the right time.' He replied, mirroring your previous action.
'How come?'
'I know for a fact it would've ended up in a loud gathering dragging on to until late at night if you had stayed. I had a long week and I want to have at least one proper sleep before going back to work tomorrow.' Thatch admitted, to which you laughed.
'It looks like this brother/house thing is stressing you out way more than it should, you should relax a bit and give yourself some time too.' You told him, knowing he had a tendency to put other people first which ended up in Thatch forgetting about himself.
'You're right, I just feel like I'm responsible for them in a sense.' He said with a small smile.
'By the way, your apron and book are in that white box along with your schedule. Also we're closing an hour early tomorrow because we have to decorate the bakery for Halloween.' He added, standing up, walking towards your front door.
'Sure! I guess I'll see you tomorrow then!'
'Yeah, see you tomorrow Luna!' Thatch said as he left.

Thatch opened his front door, welcomed by the familiar sound of all his brothers home. He smiled to himself remembering what you told him a few minutes ago.
'Hey Thatch!! What is this I heard about your sister being here earlier?' A voice shot him awake from his thoughts.
'Yeah Marco told us he met her, why didn't we get to see her that's unfair!' Another voice said.
'I needed rest tonight, she just helped me with the grocery bags that's all.' Thatch replied walking past the two brothers, grabbing some pizza from the box on the coffee table, joining two blonde heads on the couch in the living room.
'Oi Ace, Luffy that's enough, I barely saw her for a few minutes anyways.' Marco spoke up.
'Can you guys calm down we'll see her eventually.' The other blonde said.
'I'm off work tomorrow so I won't get to see her, hey Marco is she hot?' One of the two black haired brothers said.
'Ace if you say one more thing about my sis-'
'Actually she's prett-'
'Can you both please shut up!'
'Is she single?' Ace said wiggling his eyebrows.
'I'm going to sleep.' Thatch stood up.
'Hey Thatch I'm still helping with the Halloween decorations tomorrow right?' The other black haired brother asked.
'Yes Luffy, ask someone to drop you off at 5 p.m, goodnight guys!' Thatch replied, going up to his room.

Luffy and Ace joined the two other brothers in the living room, almost ripping the gaming controllers from their hands.
'I'll kill you both one day.' Marco said.
'I second that.' The other blonde replied.
'Hey Sabo quit acting like you're part of the mature bros now, I know you want to see Thatch's sister too.' Ace said looking at him.
'I do want to see her actually, I just know how to wait.' Sabo replied, stretching his arms above his head.
'Hey Ace focus I'm beating your ass right now!!' Luffy half shouted.

After a small dinner, you went for a quick shower and headed to bed, setting an alarm for 7 a.m before checking your notifications.

'Took your advice today and went to bed early to escape from the crazy brothers, goodnight :)'

You smiled at the text, typing a quick reply. You thought about everything you needed for tomorrow and made sure you wouldn't forget anything. Once all done, you curled under your covers, ready for tomorrow.

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