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"Everett, would you please get your act together?" My father cried and set aside his war plans. "We're in a new country, now is not the time to explore and get yourself lost!"

"Calm down, Father. Nothing bad is going to happen." I brushed him off and brought my feet to rest on the desk. My father's red tomato face seemed to turn fluorescent now and I thought it was quite funny if I do say so myself.

Pat yourself on the back, Everett, you've succeeded in making your father hate you even more.

"Besides, I have Peter with me."

"Do not take me for a bobolyne, Everett Price. I know what you're doing out there. Making a mess of things that I'll have to clean up."

"Bobolyne, huh? I think they stopped using that word years ago, father." He closed his raging eyes and took a deep breath before speaking again.

"You're to stay in your tent until you're called upon. You barely missed our talk with the Greek general, don't you want to learn about war strategy?" When I lifted my head to answer, he cut me off. "Don't answer that. One day, you'll take over as general and hopefully in doing so, you'll make me somewhat proud to call you my son." He spat and threw open the tent curtain on his way out.

"I'm sure that would have been more intimidating and dramatic had there been a door there," I joked to Peter who was standing behind me. When I turned to glance at my friend, I groaned, knowing that I had just been left vulnerable to his constructive criticism.

"Your father only wants what is best for you." He stated, taking a seat in the chair beside me. "He's made that very clear with everything he's done for you."

"Is that what all these riches are saying? That he's doing this for my betterment? Let me tell you, Peter, that man doesn't care about me any more than that speck of dirt on the tip of your shoe. I'm supplied with all these unwanted things only because his highness doesn't want to take the time to know what I truly want."

I stood from the wooden bench and made my way to the exit of the tent. "Perhaps if he did, he'd know that the only thing I ever really wanted was to spend time with him. Time that doesn't include being screamed at about petty wars." I left the tent and stormed through the campsite.

There were things I needed to accomplish before my father summoned me to another useless meeting with one of the Greek leaders. Those certain things included going back out into the forest and finding that woman.

Her scared expression was the only thing I could see when I shut my eyes last night and she was the first thing on my mind this morning. There was no way that a small woman such as herself could survive on her own that deep in the jungle. Peter and I were miles into the forest and had trouble finding our way back as well.

I had to admit, she looked rather healthy except for her tattered clothing. She looked just as healthy as a woman should. Tan skin, and long hair, she didn't appear to be starving and she seemed clean enough.

Maybe I should stop worrying about her but there was something about her that I couldn't shake. She was beautiful, of course, but there was something else about her that made me think of her nonstop. I needed to find her again and see if I could offer assistance.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked, following me out of the office. I debated telling him the truth or lying but I was never one to lie except to my father.

"I'm going back out to the forest. I told you about that woman." I answered and kept my pace just the same. Unfortunately, he sped up to match my speed.

"I'm sorry, I thought I heard you say you were blatantly disobeying your father's orders." He puffed, clearly distraught.

"If that's the way you'd like to look at it then yes. You are welcome to come with me or you can stay and snitch on me to my father. It's not like he isn't going to find out eventually."

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