willing to listen

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Two days later Greg woke everyone up besides Justin, Vanessa, and Juliet moving them all to his parents place backyard near the pool.

"Alright, everyone listen up." Greg grabbed everyone's attention. "Dude, why'd you wake us up so early?" Andre asked him.

"Yeah, why couldn't we sleep later in?" Lenny asked his son pointing to all the parents. "Yeah! We're parents! We should be able to sleep in!" Marcus complained.

"I'll tell you all something. If we finish here quickly everyone could go back to sleeping." Greg explained to them making them cheer. "But not you guys." He pointed to his friends.

"What? Why?" They cried. "Who cares? We just want to sleep! Get on with it." Marcus told Greg.

"Okay, so the reason I called you all here is because of your guys fighting." Greg gestured his friends. "Well, we're not fighting." Keithie gestured him and Donna.

"Does that mean when this is finish we can go to sleep?" Donna asked him. "Probably." Greg nodded making the two smile.

"We may fight but it isn't that bad." Charlotte shook her head. "Beg to differ." Greg disagreed.

"What happened?" Maria asked. "A couple days ago Nessa and Justin tried to do something to make them stop fighting since breakfast was a bit of a backfire." Greg explained.

"But you joined in too?" Becky added in. "What are you and Bean?" Greg raised his eyebrows.

"Carry on." Becky nodded as her and Bean tried to hide from Lenny and Eric's confused looks. "So the point is that everything went wrong and they ended up tied to the trees and a small fire started." Greg continued.

"Hey, you were being chased by a deer." Keithie sent his brother a look. "Again?" Roxanne asked her son as Lenny raised an eyebrow.

"I don't even know how that happened." Greg raised his arms up. "But that's besides the point. The point is that during this time Nessa and Justin have been trying so hard to keep Juliet from stressing out more that they are stressing the most."

"Are they okay?" Maria, Jerry, and Marcus asked in unison. "They are but if the fighting continues they would probably start losing it." Greg responded.

"Okay, Vanessa's my best friend and the last thing I would want to do is hurt her. So what should we do?" Nancy asked. "We need to stop the fighting. Mainly you two girls need to stop throwing things to these two." Greg responded.

"We can try and tone it down." Charlotte nodded. "We don't even do anything." Max and Andre pointed out.

"Now you see the problem!" Nancy and Charlotte exclaimed. "No, I know for sure I've tried to speak to you." Andre turned to Nancy.

"You won't even go near me." Max turned to Charlotte. "Well, you didn't for months was is a couple of days doing to you?" Charlotte questioned.

"Guys. . ." Greg called them but they ignored him. "What if I wanted to explain myself?" Max asked her.

"Would've been a shock considering it'd be the first time." Charlotte answered. "You just don't know how to respect someone." Nancy told Andre.

Soon enough the parents had backed up with Keithie, Donna, Bean, Becky, Sofia, and Ronnie.

The four ended up arguing so much that it woke Justin and Vanessa. They walked to the Freder's backyard seeing everyone there and the arguing.

"Can you just let me explain?" Max asked Charlotte. "I would love to but you won't!" Charlotte sighed.

"Guys what's happening?" Vanessa walked up to the two couples. "I'm listening!" Nancy turned to Andre.

"I'm not going to try and explain when you're mad at me!" Andre threw his hands up. "That's probably the only time you'd have." Nancy shrugged.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 & 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐬 | 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐆 𝐅𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐑Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora