First Meeting

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    The deep violet sky above was clear. Not a cloud to be seen. Jack sighed and stretched out his aching limbs as he walked down the street. He stopped by the book store two blocks from his house to peruse a few books. Without plans for this weekend he needed something to keep him busy. What better than a new book? Jack stepped into the store and automatically was hit with the smell of new books. He went to the comic section and sat down to look at the bottom selections.

    BAM! A hand full of books fell onto Jack's head with a thud and flap of papers. "Sorry!" a voice came from the other side. The man ran around the corner of the shelf and froze. Jack's eyes met with teal ones and it was like a shock to his spine. The man broke the silence "I-I'm so sorry f-for the um..." he cleared his throught "The book thing." He offered his hand to help Jack up.

    Jack took his hand "What is your name?" he smiled as he was lifted up. The man stared at him for a bit taking in his features. How his tight shirt hugged his curves, and how his shorts dipped around his upper thighs. "Hello?".

    "Oh right sorry" he swallowed and chuckled nervously "M-my name is um Austin. A-and you?".

    Jack tucked a black curl behind his ear "What would you do to learn it?". He laughed at the abvious confusion on Austin's face. Jack lingered in the mans dumbfounded silence a bit longer before saving the poor man from his utter lack of knowing.
"My name's Jack" he smirked coyly "Wanna get out of here and get to know me a bit more?" He slid his hand up Austin's arm and gripped his shoulder purring.

    Austin groaned "I-I'm sorry but I am afraid tht might be out of the cards for today" as he went to explain himself another voice sounded. A child's voice "Daddy I found it!" Which was met with Austin's boom of a voice "I'm over here daling!" And he turned bck to Jack "I have my daughter with me today...".

    "Nice" Jack thought to himself "You are hitting on a mated man with a daughter who you happened to meet in a book store". Jack sighed inwardly before Austin started to talk again "I have to leave but um... could I have your number?".

    Jack looked at him in utter disbelief, he didn't smell mated but you can't have a kid otherwise. "And your mate would be alright with that? I am an omega" Jack saw brief confusion on the man's face before sudden relization.

    He Blushed "Oh no! I-I don't have a m-mate" He paused collecting his thoughts, which become excedingly hard as he stared into Jack's beautifully violet eyes "Addy is adopted, she was my sister's". And insantly Jack felt like a dick. A little girl with red bouncing hair came up and pulled on Austin's hand. He picked her up and he handed Jack a slip of paper "Call me?". When Jack nodded he turned and strolled of to the counter, child still in his arms.

    Jack huffed out air he didn't even know he was holding in as he looked down at the paper in his hand. As far as first impressions go he did terribly and somehow still got this alfa's number. It wa unusual for him to do that bad. He was an insanely smooth talker, but this man clouded his brain. He was about to seduce a complete stranger home! I mean ya he works at a whore house and all, but that is a completely controled invironment. He still chooses his partners and gets to see their std tests. This was a risk. Really, he loved it in a twised way. Who better to take a risk with than a hot honey skinned alfa with brown hair and teal eyes. Damn was he sexy! In his line of work he couldn't really get too involved with men outside of work and wasn't known for really dating after he got the job. It had been about what? Eight years?

    Jack hastily plucked his phone from his shorts pocket and punched the man's number into his contacts. He pushed his phone back into his pocket and sped out of the shop. He was ready to get home and wash all of the sweat and grunge from work off in the shower. Possibly a nice long cold one.

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