This feeling

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Austin tucked Addy into bed before heading into his own room. He thought back to the book store and the gorgeous omega he met there. Jack's sensuous form and full lips lingered in his thoughts. Would he even call? Austin so hoped he would. Jack just had something about him. Something he didn't want to miss out on.

His thoughts about Jack lingered. Before he new it his hand was going lower down his torso. He started palming his aching member just when is phone rang. "Fuck!" He retracted his hand as if he burned it and grabbed his phone with a bit more cursing. An unknown number popped up causing a leap in his chest. Did he actually call? What if he did? After what he was just about to do he couldn't possibly talk to him properly. Guilt began to eat at him but he had to answer. He slid his finger across the screen. "Hello?".

A wonderfully smooth voice rang from the other end "Hello, Austin?" and he melted. "Y-you still there?".

Austin sucked in a deep breath "Yes this is Austin... I assume this is Jack?".

They started talking as if they had known each other for years. It was so easy. Jack's honey coated voice soothed Ausin's mind. He didn't even notice the time going by. It sounds cheesy yet so true. Austin never felt so calm in his life. To think he was going to waste the image of the omega on a quicky in his room. Someone like him should be savored, every bit of him. "Austin?" Jack interupted his thoughts.

"O-oh yes sorry I was lost in thought, were you saying something?".

There was a short pause "I was asking if you would like to meet up tomorow". Austin's answer came fast "Yes! I mean um what time?".

Jack bit his lip and fopped down into his plush covers. After the phone call he was left feeling a bit confused. He wasn't sure what he was feeling at the library or on the phone. At this point Jack was not going to get any sleep tonight. His brain was just a mess. He felt such an attraction to a man he just met that day!

Jack's stomach growled forcing out a groan from the omega. He got up and made his way to the kitchen when his phone rang. The name on the screen read Boss Man. He picked it up "Hello Jack I need to ask you about the client requesting you and Ashton" the woman's voice came over the phone "I know it's your day off but can you come in tomorrow? He says he will pay extra and Ashton is allready down with it".

Jack put on speeker phone and sat her down to continue making his food. He opened the fridge before responding "I have plans tomorrow so it depends on the time".

"Oh yes" he heard her hum as she clicked through her notes on the computer "It's an early one and he reduced the time length to two hours. Looks like he is wanting a 8:00am apiontment. Does that interfere with your plans?".

Austin home schooled Addy til two in the evening so they made plans for later after that. "That will be just fine, but I won't be taking any more clients that day" he then added in "and I want the room with the door".

She chuckled "that can be arranged". And with that the call was over. He felt a little guilty but for really no reason. He was just meeting Austin for lunch not a date. This is his job.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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