Chapter 1

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Dazai was runing in the alley as he was serching for something. But what was he looking for? He didn't know but he feelt it was something important. But what was that!? He tried, he tried so hard to remember. But remember what?

He stopped running and looked around. Where was he??? What was he doing here??? Why??? Dazai's head started to hurt, it hurts so much that he passed out.


The young brunette wakes up in a hospital bed. He looked around, this place, he was sure to know it.

"Dazai you're awake? How do you feel?" Asked a woman with short black hair.

"W-who are you!? How do you know me name?" Yelled Dazai and the woman's eyes widened.

"D-Dazai? It's me, Yosano, your friend." she answered with a sad look.

This name, this voice, he knew with certainty but even so he does not remember anything about her.

"Get some rest, I will be back in a minute." She said and left the room.

His head started to hurt him. He hid his face in his hands. It was so painful to remember, he tried harder to remember, just a little thing a little memory it would be fine. His headache got even stronger and he started crying in pain. He knocked on the table next to him, it was so frustrating to not be able to remember anything.

"Dazai-san! Are you okay!?" The door opened and a young boy runs toward him.

The pain stopped but tears still runned down his cheeks.

"Why? Why can't I remember anything!?" He yelled.

The white haired boy did not respond anything he just looked at him with a sad expression.

"Yosano told us, that you didn't remember anything about what happened." The boy finally broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry" the young boy said and start to cry. Dazai looked at him worried.

"Why are you sorry?" Asked the brunette.

"I-I wasn't able to do anything, wasn't able to help my friend" more tears started fall of his yellow-violet eyes.

Dazai feels so bad, this young boy was crying because of him, because he wasn't strong enough to remember anything. Dazai put his hand on the boy's cheek and wiped away his tears.

"What's your name?" he asked with a sad tone.

"A-Atsushi, i'm Atsushi" he answered and Dazai took of his hand and looked down.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember you, but I'm sure you were a great friend of mine. I'm really sorry I forgot you." Atsushi's eyes widened as he started to cry again. He threw himself into Dazai's arms and began to cry even more. Dazai hugged him.

The door opened and a tall man with long blond hair stepped in. He walked to the two other and adjusted his glasses.

"Atsushi, Kyouka need your help." He said and the white haired boy let go of Dazai and left wiping his tears. When Atsushi left Kunikida sat in the chair next to Dazai.

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