8: Puppies!

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Roxanne's Pov

I looked back at Shane and seen the worry in his eyes for the first time. His once bright blue eyes were now a dark shade of grey and was swirling with thoughts. He suddenly started swimming as fast as he could back for the shore which wasn't very fast because I was still in his arms. I quickly slipped out of his grip and started swimming faster than I thought I could. A little girl was just a few meters ahead of me and was struggling to swim with her big, inflatable floaty and looked like she had no energy left. As soon as I reached her, I pulled her out of the floaty in one quick motion and held her to my chest as she clung to my neck. We were still a ways out from the shore and Shane was a few feet behind me making sure the shark stayed anywhere but close to me. Finally, after what felt like hours, Shane, the little girl, and I reached the shore. A crying woman ran towards me and pulled the little girl from my arms and into a tight hug. She repeatedly thanked me and hugged me so tight I think I stopped breathing for a second. When she had left with the little girl I turned around to see Shane staring at the water intensely.

"Penny for your thoughts", I said as I walk over to him.

"Its nothing", he said bluntly not looking from the water.

"Are you sure", I said and poked his side trying to cheer him up. It must have worked because he let out a small laugh.

"I should get you home", he said and finally turned to face me.

"No I don't want to go back yet", I stated with a pout which Shane just laughed at.

"Why are you laughing", I asked confused.

"You just looked so cute", he said with a chuckle.

"Come on goofball", I said and started dragging him towards the car.

"Ok ok", he said and willingly walked by my side.

We hopped in the car and set off back into the city.

"So where do you want to go", he asked.

"Hmmm pet store", I quickly said.

"Pet store? Why?", He asked confused.

"Because puppy are the cutest things on the planet", I stated in a 'duh' tone.

"I thought I was the cutest thing in the planet", he said and pouted.

"Your a close second", I said and we both started laughing.

We arrived shortly after and hopped out of the jeep. My face lit up immediately when we walked in. There were puppies EVERYWHERE! There were black labs, chocolate labs, every type of freaking lab and there were huskies, bulldogs, pugs, poodles, pomeranians, begals, chow chows, and so many more, not to mention the size of the store was double the size of my house back in texas. I took a step in and the bell chimed at the door catching the attention of all the puppies. My heart was literally melting right now! I quickly walked over to where two puppies were playing and caught their attention sending them straight towards me. I sat on the ground and the puppies climbed on top of me and started to lick my face. One of the puppies was a wrinkly chow chow and the other was a chunky, little Boston terrier. I laughed in delight as the Boston terrier nibbled on my nose and the sent of his adorable puppy breath reached my senses.

"I see you have met Frank and Mike", a girl with blonde hair said as she walked over to us with a warm smile.

"I think I'm in love honestly", I said with a laugh.

"Frank is definitely a charmer", She said also laughing.

"Guessing this is frank", I said as I pulled the Boston terrier off of me and stood up with him in my arms.

"Indeed that is", She said with a smile.

"He is adorable", I said and kissed the top of his nose.

"Hi I'm Clare by the way", She said and held out her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Roxanne and this is Shane", I said and shook her hand before she passed it to Shane who was now standing next to me.

"So did you want to adopt a puppy today or just visit", She asked.

"Just visit", I said and sat Frank back on the ground.

"Ok. So which puppy has really caught your eye", She asked with her warm smile.

Looked around for a second and seen the most adorable huskie I have ever seen.

"How about that one", I said and pointed at him.

"Chuck, good choice", She said before walking over to him and picking him up and walking back over to us.

"Oh my goodness he is even cutter up close", I said as Clare passed Chuck to me.

"And you", She said turning to Shane.

He thought for a second before pointing at a little bulldog puppy chasing his tail. She went over to him, picked him up, and walked back over to us. She handed Shane the puppy and said, "This is buster".

"Hello buster", Shane said in a sweet voice as he held the fragile puppy.

"Lets head over to the visiting pen", Clare said and led the way to a big pen upstairs.

We walked into the pen area and shut the door behind us so the puppies wouldn't get out when we set them down. Shane and I sat down on the ground and, simultaneously, the puppies started to lick our faces. We laughed and pulled the puppies back on to our laps.

"Well I will let you two have some alone time with these two trouble makers", Clare said before walking into an office outside of the pen.

"This is amazing", I said happily.

"I must admit this was a great idea", Shane said and grabbed a tug-a-war rope and started to play with buster.

"I wish I could take Chuck home", I said and grabbed a ring toy for Chuck and I to play with.

"Why can't you", he asked confused.

"Hmmm I don't know maybe because it isn't my house", I replied with a small laugh.

"Just call your grandparents and ask if you can get a puppy", he said as he played with buster.

"Ok I will and not because you told me to... because I want Chuck... not because of you at all... I was actually thinking that before you", I said and stuck out my tongue.

I went to my contacts and clicked the call button by my grandma's name. I knew she couldn't say no to me.

"Hello dear", She said once the ringing stopped.

"Hi grandma how are you", I said in the sweetest voice I had.

"Good how are you", She said not knowing that I was sucking up to her.

"I would be a whole lot happier if I got to take home this puppy in my arms", I said with a grin.

"Oh a puppy I love puppies. What breed is it", She asked happily.

"He is a huskie", I said and smiled.

"Awww those are the cutest. Let me go and talk to George and I will call you back. Ok sweetie?", She said.

"Ok bye", I said before she said bye and hung up.

"So do you get him", Shane asked with a huge smile.

"Maybe. Grandma is asking grandpa as we speak", I said in almost a squeal.

"Yay that's... ow ow", he's said before getting cut off by buster bitting his finger.

I started to laugh and eventually Shane joined in.

"You little stinker", Shane said to buster while petting his belly.

"That was so cute", I said with a chuckle.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it", he said now laughing with me.

All of a suddenly phone started to ring and grandma's icon popped up.

"Hello", I said as I answered it.

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