10: Happy Memories

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Roxanne's Pov

"Um I just didn't get many options on which room I got, that's all", I lied and put on a fake smile.

"Hmmm ok", he said clearly not believing my lie but didn't press further.

He got up and started to walk around my room again, assessing everything I owned. Suddenly he stopped, looking at one of the pictures I had hung on my wall. Please don't be a family photo... Please don't be a family photo.

"You played soft ball?", he asked surprised.

Oh thank God

"Uh yeah. I have been playing since I was in middle school up until last year", I said my voice sounding a little shaky.

"Wow why did you stop. All these trophies suggest you were really good", he asked and pointed to my 10 trophies sitting on a shelf in the corner of my room.

"Didn't have enough money", I said it being partially true.

"You look so happy", he said with a smile as he returned to browsing my room.

"Those were very happy times", I said with a smile remembering the championship game.

"Yeah Roxanne! That's my girl!", I heard dad yell from the stands as I walked up to bat.

"You can do it Rox", Jack yelled.

The pitcher starred me dead in the eyes, trying to get under my skin but didn't succeed. She raised her right leg and threw the ball at what felt like, fifty miles an hour. As if time slowed down, the ball slowly flew towards me. I watched with such focus and calculated my every move. I snapped back into reality and swung my bat at the perfect timing, hearing the crack from the impact of the hit, and sprinted towards first base, dropping the bat off to the side. I reached the base before the outfielder even had the ball in hand so I decided to run to second. I looked and the outfielder still haven't gotten the ball so I sprinted to third. Off in the crowd I heard Jack yelling at the top of his lungs, "Yeahhhh go Rox" along with dad yelling, "Keep running! Go go go". Finally the outfielder had gotten the ball and aimed to throw it to home. The ball flew through the air once more and reached the mit of the short stop just after I slid and reached home base.

"Safe", the reff yelled and put his arms out.

"Yeah that's my girl!", dad yelled from the stands as everyone erupted with cheers.

"Woohoo Roxanne", Mom and Abby yelled at the same time.

"Yeah Roxanne! There my sister!", Jack yelled.

I had never felt so much joy in my life before. The rest of the team ran over to me and started cheering as well. I finally glanced over at the score board and realized that I just got us the winning point. I huge smile spread across my face as I cheered along with my team. We just won the championship.

End of flash back

"What's got you so smiley", Shane asked and walked over to me.

"I was just remembering the game day in that picture", I said and looked at him.

"Guessing you guys won", he said with a grin.

"Yup. I scored us the winning point", I said with a proud smile.

"I see it was the championship game too", he said smiling.

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