I will not be writing for a while

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Hoi. Thank you for reading my story. I guess you relized I was not posting for a while. I have a reason for that. I caught the virus. I was not allowed to touch computer. Anyways, now I have gotten better, but we are taking precautions. I will not be able to write for a while. I mean you guys will not care because who would read this horrible story. I mean this is the only hoby besides reading that makes me feel nice. Everyone at school is distant from me. Maybe it is just me being parnoid. Who knowa. Now, it looks like I am depressed great. Well I am not. At least, I do not think so. I guess I can write whatever I want this platform knowing I will not be jugded because I will never meet you guys. Anyways, I hope you do not catch the virus and find something better to read.  Sorry for ranting. See you later. Boi.

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