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hi soweryes

aaaah im nervous

idk why i just am but yes

anyway, hope u like his chapter!!!

im making made up school systems btw so it won't be another stereotypical school ehehhe :>


[A few weeks after]


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Renee seemed to sense his consternation. "You good?"

Ruel nodded, staring at one of the new recruits.

Vivian Sylvia.

He was in deep shit.

Perhaps, it was a bad idea to be associated with a stranger and a worse one to ghost them abruptly. He just grew busy with his music whilst simultaneously managing the students in his academy that the thought of her rarely flitted onto his mind.

Admittedly, she was humorous and charismatic with an appealing weird streak. Whenever they called, he felt burdenless, as if he could take off the weight in his chest, and just, overall, content like coming home after a busy day at work.

Most times she would listen eagerly as he rambled on about his day, some other times she would allow him to watch her play animal crossing, soothing him with her presence.

The thought of it brought a quirk onto his lips.

Which was why he was so fucked.

There wasn't any logical reason why he ghosted her, especially with the comfort she brought him.

She also didn't make any moves on him nor did she took any chances, even when it might seem as if he was catching feelings.

It was refreshing compared to the entitlement some girls would have if he overshared slightly. They would immediately think they got him whipped and attempt to take advantage of it. Vivian was one of the rare few that was utterly genuine and didn't have any hidden intentions.

And he fucking ruined it.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Alina asked from behind him, poking his shoulder shyly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he chuckled reassuringly although it seemed as if he was trying to convince himself more than anyone.

Renee didn't stop inspecting him until Ruel gestured her to get the fuck off him discreetly. He read through some of papers. "So, what are the responses we've got so far?"

Edward moved to the board and wrote the house colors; Red Komodo, Blue Dolphin, White Doves, and Green Tiger.

Their private academy had many programs and activities to ensure the bond in all batches. One of them included making houses of four and dividing an equal amount of students from each year into each houses.

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