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gmorning readers idk if u exist in this book except from modda but i been having an identity crisis ok


i might be bi lmao but like idkkkkk

im just gonna test it out in here


Vivi heard a knock on the door. She had been staying in the same position in her bed, her mind replaying the incident with Ruel.

Confused on who would go to her house at this hour, she opened her door just to be greeted with Astrid's mischievous glint. "I saw a cute guy driving away. Mind explaining that?"

Astrid walked inside the room as Vivi plopped onto the sofa, pondering where she should start the story with Astrid. "I thought you're coming on the second term."

Astrid stayed in front of the door, staring at Vivi suspiciously. "I wanted to adjust to the whole new environment," Astrid replied lightheartedly before she placed her bag on the table.

"Did something happen?" The taller girl approached Vivi slowly and sat next to her. "You're pretty fidgety today."

Vivi bit her lip, uncertain, but with some more gentle prying from her friend, she immediately narrated Astrid through the whole scene. Astrid listened attentively, a small smile plastered on her face. "So Bebeb finally got a first kiss?"

Vivi curled up in a ball. "I'm scared that I might be going too fast."

Astrid furrowed her brows. "You guys spent a lot of time with each other. I'm more surprised that this didn't happen sooner."

"Ih!" Vivi huffed. "He was training me. It's not like-"

"It seems like he isn't training you just for the sake of making you better, though," Astrid pointed out.

Vivi sighed. "I don't know why I've just been so worried ever since the kiss."

Astrid chuckled. "Relax and take your time to sort out your thoughts, okay?"

They were quiet for some time as Astrid waited uncomplainintly for Vivi to contemplate over her decisions. Suddenly, Vivi piped out, "I can't believe I had my first kiss before you."

Astrid furrowed her brows. "That's not true. My first kiss was with Muradi."

Vivi's eyes widened. "Huh? You didn't tell me, though?"

Astrid gave her a guilty look. "We weren't that close back then."

Vivi scowled. "But still..." She huffed. "When did this happen?"

"Two weeks after his birthday," Astrid admitted.

Vivi scowled. "Lha. That's already so long ago!"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought you'd be disgusted or something. Indonesians are usually conservative."

"I'm just surprised." Vivi looked away. "I kinda wish you told me sooner, too."

Astrid scooted closer to her, smiling sadly. "I promise that I won't keep anything else from you, okay?"

Vivi nodded. "As you should."

"Also I-"

Suddenly, Vivi's phone vibrated.


From: Ruel
To: Vivi

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