{10}"Everybody expects me to hate him"

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So I climbed on to his shoulder whilst he whimpered quietly staring off to the night, the silence of it swallowing the sounds into thin air.


A week before Valentine's Day:

3rd person

Harry was by the lake in the spot he always is. He was talking to the ferret, similarly like ALWAYS, about how he hated certain people.

Then he fought about his main enemy...

Draco's POV

I was waiting for this, him telling me of people he hated.

First came Umbitch, then Sevy (it was a really dark conversation and even I cried) and lastly were the Slytherins before came me. He didn't really hate any of them, only Umbitch but, well, everyone hates that tode. Now, I was ready for the worst...

"And then Draco Malfoy, my arch enemy. Everybody expects me to hate him. But in reality, I don't..." He started.

I got scared at first, his voice was nervous and unsteady. Can I have been that dreadful to him all those over years back?

"Now don't tell this anyone. Keep it a secret. Even my closest friends don't know- wait, you're a ferret. You won't even be able to understand!" I laughed a ferret laugh at that. The fact he was so oblivious was amazing!

"I like him... I know he won't like me back so I kept the feelings to myself. Furthermore, the whole school will hate us if we're together. My and his reputation would be ruined altogether..."

I. Was. Shocked. To say the least. I never knew the golden boy was Queer. He could have told- right... I'm THE Draco Malfoy.

"I know, it sounds ridiculous! 'Harry Potter is gay! For the death-eater!'. The daily prophet would have the time of their life selling all that tea..." Trailed of.

"I kept my feelings for so long though AND Valentine's Day is coming soon, that I think I will confess. Key-word 'think'."

Now I was ecstatic! I might also have liked him a tiny bit too. And now that I know he'll ask me out I can get my self ready before he comes up with a way to do it (ask me out/ confess).


The tenth chapter is out! Hope you like it. Comment, share and vote!

Question: where's your favourite place at Hogwarts? Mines either the kitchens or the room of requirement.

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