Chapter 3: New Gardeners

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Hosuh beamed happily as he led his new friend to their cafeteria table. He sat down, his gray hair gently playing with the breeze. "Good afternoon everyone" the eldest male smiled softly. Stephen sat down beside the male, holding his pad and pen close. He could see all the stares, hear all the whispers and feel the tention. The purple haired male gulped, watching their reactions and emptions.

Thankfully, the others didn't seemed to mind. They all smiled at the new addition to their group. Daniel looked over at Hosuh, giving him a proud thumbs up. Annabelle smiled softly at the male. "Hello!" She happily beamed. "Hey" Jay smiled as well, greeting him.

Stephen took a sigh of relief glad that they were accepting. He looked back at them, making sure they weren't making any lie. His anxiety grew stronger as he observed. A forced smile was on his face, mimicking their emotions.

"As you all could see, he doesn't talk. Stephen is from my class and he's mute. Please treat him with Care" Hosuh smiled softly, giving Stephen a time to write. The taller male picked up his pen, writing down on his paper. 'Hello, its nice to meet you all :)'

Jay smiled more. "do you like knives?" The blond asked, definitely a weird question. But what did you expect? It was Jay after all. Dan looked at Jay, face palming. "Of course he doesn't, he's normal Jay. " But to his surprise, Stephen answered yes.

'My uncle taught me how to use knives as a protection. Since I can't call for help, I'll be needing to project myself' The Mohawk male wrote. "Whoah.. Were going to be great friends then!" Jay beamed. Finally, someone like him.

"If someone gets stabbed my first suspect would be Jay." Dan spoke bluntly. "Hey, Ann and Stephen can use knives too!" Jay huffed, looking away. Hosuh giggled at his own little group. They meant like family for him. He glanced at the taller male, smiling.

Stephen seemed to be enjoying himself. They seemed to be an alright set of 'friends' They were all joking around and smiling, even letting Step he enter their conversations.

Question is... How long will it last?

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