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"I'm so happy 'cause today

I've found my friends,

They're in my head"




Serene, peaceful, tranquil.

There's a reason people like to see things through rose colored glasses. It all seems beautiful. Unscathed. No malevolence. No harm.

However, the scene in front of me right now. While submerged in that color just seems obscure. It's all wrong.

I'd been working on this one painting for ages. Just as I put the finishing touches in rose, it all seems wrong.

A beautiful beach with a rose hued sunset in the background. Dozens of bodies intertwined on the beach front. A painting dedicated to touching.  But the colors don't match, they don't blend together. Not the way I was imagining.

I blend a darker shade of rose, in hopes of making the painting more polished I guess. It's so frustrating not finding the correct shade. I've been beating myself up over this single painting for weeks. For some reason I never could find that shade. I never could find the culprit, the atrocity that's keeping me from finishing this piece.

I've been at it since 12 in the afternoon.

It's currently 10pm.

And to top it off, I promised Ellie I'd go with her to this new club, Paradise, I think it's called. tonight at 11pm.

I usually would never go to a club. Nothing wrong with clubs at all, I just hate crowds. I get claustrophobic and it usually ends with a fun little panic attack. I promised Ellie though, and I'm kind of scared of her to be honest. She can be really scary when she wants to be.

The buzzing of my phone interrupts my train of thoughts. I grab my phone from the table next to the stand where the demon painting is propped. Speak of the devil...

"Hey babe" I answer Ellie's call. 

"Are you ready for tonight yet?" She asks in a cheerful tone. "or are you still hunched over that god awful painting" she chastises.

"Hey! That wasn't very kind" I say looking around the room, at the mess of brushes and paint capsules I scattered across. "And no, I'm not hunched over the painting, I'm getting ready right now" I say with very little sincerity, as I get up, grabbing the dirty paintbrushes in my hand.

Apparently, Ellie catches on to that false sincerity in my tone. "Silvy, you know you're a terrible liar. I know for a fact that you're just now getting up." She scolds me again.

"Ok fine" I sigh out, putting my phone between my ear and shoulder so I can grab the rest of my supplies to clean off. "I'm getting up right now, I'm gonna go clean my shit up. so I can get ready."

"Don't make me wait." Ellie says with conviction, leaving no time for me to even reply before she hangs up.

"Don't make me wait" I mock as I gather the last of the supplies, and manage to open the door while juggling them in my hands. I head down the hallway to the bathroom, clean the paint off my brushes and look into the bathroom mirror.

"You can do this Silvia" I say to myself

"It's just a club"

"You'll be fine" I try to reassure myself for the thousandth time this week. I know it seems so stupid that I'm putting this much pressure on myself, just for a club. It shouldn't be this hard.

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