chapter 1 - present day.

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It's  five oclock somewhere Niall thought as he sipped on his cold beer. The last few months had been some of the most hectic of his solo career. Performances, talk shows and personal appearances. Sometimes he wished that he had someone to share this with again.

As he flicked through his Instagram account he glanced at one of his old One Direction pictures. Closing his eyes as he ran his hand through his hair. It was always easier with the lads here he thought.

Niall was sitting in LAX waiting for his flight back to London. He had decided to give himself some time off after promoting his latest album. It was an eight hour flight back to London and all he wanted to do was to switch off.

Josephine although she hated that name and insisted that everyone called her Joey was just about to start her new job as a teacher. She couldn't believe that after spending years studying at trinity college in Dublin she had come back to where it had all started. Mullingar.

"Breath Joey, you can do this" she gave herself a pep talk as she walked through the doors of her old high school. This was her first teaching job and she was sure that the children would sense her nerves. She walked into the teachers lounge and began to introduce herself. "Hi I'm miss Allen" she said so some of the teachers sitting in the lounge.

"Joey that you?"

"Mrs Jones?"

"Please call me Alison now"

The last time she had seen Alison Jones Joey was signing a duet with none other than Niall Horan. They had auditioned for the school play together. Niall had got the lead, it was at that point she realised that she was never that musical and wanted to study English instead. When she watched his interviews and music videos she couldn't believe that this was the same boy she knew. Joey and Niall weren't exactly close in school, they went to the same parties but then it was a small town everyone went to the same parties.

As he got settled on the plane Niall checked his phone one last time. He read his messages and sent a quick reply to his mother. "About to set off a quick stop in London, then I'll be in Dublin on thursday"

Niall's friend Jackson was getting married and although he made no promises there was no way he was going to miss this. They had been through so much together from learning to ride their bikes together as kids. To Jackson giving Niall the confidence to release the song slow hands. They were friends not superficial friends but real friends from school.

It was time for her first class. Year 7. Joey was nervous and she knew the kids were going to test her. As they sat down she began to introduce herself to them "Hi everyone my name is Miss Allen. I'm really excited to meet you all and get started." The reaction wasn't great she had a few eye rolls and no one really responded. As she handed out new books for everyone she heard two of the girls talking.

"Do you know that Niall from one direction is coming to my uncle Jaxson's wedding on saturday"

"No way your uncle Jaxon doesnt even know Niall Horan" the other girl laughed. 

"Actually he does" Joey interrupted. Suddenly she had the attention of the entire class. They were listening to her now actually listening to her. Maybe this was her chance. "I went to school here like you before going to Dublin to study. In my form class was Jaxson Roberts and Niall Horan" she smiled at the girl as she looked at her friend.

"See I told you so" the girl made a point of saying this loud enough for everyone to hear.

"WOW miss Allen we didnt know you hung out with celebrities" one of her students shouted.

"I dont " was all that she replied. By this time she looked down seeing the majority of her class looking into their books and answering their questions. 
All it took was a little name dropping.

Joey found herself day dreaming in her free period. Was Niall actually coming to this wedding? Would she see him it must have been ten years since they last saw each other. Would he even have a clue who she was.?

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