Chapter 2 -10 years ago.

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It was a Friday night. The last Friday before the October holidays were due to start. It wasnt cold enough for a jacket but too warm for a t-shirt. Niall called it "jumper weather". He was walking round to his friend Jackson's house football in one hand and his ipod in the other.

He nocked on the door and had a wide smile on his face when his friend answered the door "hiya pal, fancy a kick about on the feild"

"Hang on I'll grab me coat" Jackson replied.

"No need its jumper weather"

They laughed as they walked towards the football field. It wasn't much of a field the goal posts were rusty and their was no markings but they didnt care. It was theirs.

Just as the streetlights were coming on they noticed two girls walking past still in their school uniforms. Niall vaguely recognised them. It wasnt until he felt a hand on his shoulder he bothered to look properly.

"See her mate that's Charlotte Gunn, I'm going to marry her one day. Niall scoffed. Whatever he thought.

"Oh yeah? Who's the other one then?"

"Josephine Allen. You know her parents had that big divorce drama. Her Da slept with the tennis coach or  something. "

Jackson shouted over "Hey Joey hows yer Da"

God he could be a dick sometimes Niall thought. Maybe she didnt hear.

But she heard alright. This last six months had been really tough for Joey. Her dad infact didnt sleep with the tennis coach, but what did that matter it was a small town and everyone talked. She could feel the whispers when she walked into a room. She just wanted to be invisible.

"Dont mind him. You know what lads are like " Charlotte put her arm around her friend and tried to comfort her.

"Yea" was all Joey could manage to say in reply. 

"This Is me. I'll see ya" Charlotte said as she walked towards her house.

"Yea I'll see ya" Joey kept walking. She put her headphones in and started listening to her ipod. She was listening to JLS on repeat. She had heard them on the xfactor and fallen in love with them.

There was a shop at the bottom of the field on the way back to her house. She felt for some change and pulled out two euros from her pocket. Enough to get a bottle of water at least.  She grabbed the water paid and walked to the exit.

She wasn't really looking where she was going. Her foot hit the step by the door and she fell forward bumping into someone who barley managed to catch her.

"Whoa watch it"

"Sorry" she mumbled.  Niall could tell that she had been crying. Her eyes were sore and still slightly red from where she had been rubbing them.

"Its Josephine right?"

"Joey" she replied.

"Yeah. Right. Anyway sorry about Jackson. He can be a dick but he was only joking."

"Yeah I guess" she tried a smile but she wasnt really in the mood for a conversation.

"Hey hope ya dont mind me askin, is it true? Ya know about yer Da?"

No one had asked her this before. In the last six months everyone had just presumed that it was true and given both her and her mum a hard time about it. She pulled one of her head phones out and paused. She didn't really know what to say.

"Um no. No it's not. Me Da's an arse but he didnt do that. "

"Didnt think so" Niall winked. "Hey keep your chin up. You know what it's like here"

She nodded and started to walk away. She knew who he was. Everyone did. He was Niall Horan, his brother Greg was captain of the football team. Joey had a bit of a crush on him. Everyone had a crush on Greg Horan. This was the first time she had spoken to either of the Horan brothers.

Niall picked up his football and started to walk back home. He couldn't help thinking about the girl he met. She looked so sad. But you could still see she was pritty. She had shoulder length dark hair not brown but not black somewhere in the middle. She had blue eyes and some freckles on her cheeks. She was pritty but a girl like her wouldn't go for a boy like him the thought.

"Shes Greg's type" he mumbled as he walked into his house.

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