~Chapter 7~

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            After finding the gum on my backpack, I only sunk deeper into our little mess.  Hayden stuck up for me and told Mr. Basil that she saw Mackenzie put the gum on my backpack.  It wasn’t just a wad of gum, it was all over the side of it.  Mom got so upset when she saw it later that day.  She almost cried that my backpack was ruined and called up the school.  It really didn’t bother me that much.  I was kind of thinking, “Is that the best you’ve got, putting gum on my twenty dollar backpack that I’ve had for three years?”  Still, Mackenzie was suspended for a day because of it.  Having her expelled would’ve been a little better, but that was still nice. 

           When her suspension was over, Mackenzie returned to school.  The minute I saw her, I wanted to back away.  She only seemed like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode.  I got so nervous, I sat at a different table at lunch.  Luckily, my class is big enough that there are other tables to go to.  And then Ginger and everyone came up to me and were asking “why didn’t you sit with us?”  Because I’m afraid Mackenzie is going to kill me.  That’s why.  I don’t know why I was so afraid of her.  My height advantage was at least six or seven inches.  I guess the dark makeup makes her intimidating or something. 

           Mid March.  It was unbelievable, but Mackenzie had yet to strike.  I was so afraid that she was going to get some massive revenge on me, somehow.  But, nothing wound up happening. Two full weeks went on before we had a week off for spring break. I almost started feeling relieved. I thought Mackenzie just didn't think it was worth it to get back at me again.  I should’ve known, but silly me.  Once again, I had let my guard down.  

           The Monday we got back from break, all heck broke loose. I opened my locker to find all of my pictures destroyed. They were all taken down, and some were even ripped up. I almost cried. I had at least fifteen pictures of me and my friends in there. In art class, Fox drew me a picture and I put that up. She ripped that too. Ginger saw me practically crying in the hallway because I was so upset and rushed over. I showed her my locker, all the destroyed pictures. "I wonder who would do that?" She said.

           Then, I showed Mr. Basil.  It was so obvious that Mackenzie was our culprit, but he told me that he couldn't prove who did it. It was then that wished I had an actual lock on my locker...Mackenzie wouldn’t have been able to break in and wreck my stuff.  When I got home, I decided not tell Mom about the issue. It wasn't worth it. I just went to my basketball game, which we wound up losing. I felt like it was all my fault. I was so upset, I couldn’t focus or play right.  I can’t take it!  I kept thinking.  I can’t take this anymore!  Mackenzie had driven me to the brink of insanity, and yet, the trail of darkness continues on.  I tried to talk to some of my friends about what was going on, again.  I went out to eat with Jana that Friday night. 

             All she did was twirl her light brown hair and defend Mackenzie.  I almost felt like she knew what was going on, but was in complete denial.  When I told her that I thought Mackenzie was the one who wrecked my locker, she said “No way.  Mackenzie would never do that.”  Then who did Jana?  Tell me who did.  The entire meal was nothing but frustration.  I still felt like no one was on my side except Hayden.  Jana, Ginger, Jasmine, everybody−all my friends who I’ve known for years kept standing up for the lying, conniving, evil Mackenzie. 

           My eighteenth birthday was that weekend.  Saturday, April first.  I can’t even tell you how many times my parents tried to trick me when I was little.  They would claim they “forgot” it was my birthday, then at night, be all “April Fools!”  and give me my cake and presents then.  I wanted a party, and my parents wanted me to have a party.  Eighteen is a pretty big birthday.  You can vote, you can do just about anything.  Anyway, I wound up not having the party.  Why?  I knew that if I invited everyone from school, they would all say “How come you didn’t invite Mackenzie?”  Then they would start talking about my party in school, and she would hear.  I don’t need any more problems right now. 

           All week, I wasn’t sure of how to deal with Mackenzie and my locker situation.  Should I have just confronted her?  On Monday I was going to, then I decided that I shouldn’t.  Just hold my tongue.  Maybe she’ll finally stop giving me the looks if I don’t start anything.  I went to use the bathroom that afternoon.  Getting out of my stall, I saw Mackenzie over by the sink, fixing all of her makeup.  I decided to just smile and say “Hi Mackenzie”, then walk out.  She flashed me a dumb smile, and said “Hey.”  But that wasn’t all she said.  Upon opening the door to leave, I heard her mutter something else under her breath:  “Bi-” You know, I can’t even say it. 

            It was the b-word.  Everyone knows what that is.  I slammed the door shut and stormed off.  No one has ever cussed at me before.  I was just so appalled.  That was it.  All these harsh looks and problems-because I was trying to be honest.  I caught her in her lies, and she hated me.  There was nothing left that I could do.  I was going to talk to her tomorrow and sort out these issues once and for all.     

           Tuesday, April fourth: a day that I will remember for as long as I live.  That morning, I did my usual routine before homeroom started.  I dropped the kids off, then Frankie and I headed upstairs.  I told him to have a good day and went down to my locker.  I got my books for my first class, then turned around to go to homeroom.  Across the way, Mackenzie was at her locker.  Now is probably a good time.  There wasn’t a lot of noise in the hallway like in between classes and I still had a few minutes before the homeroom bell.  Nerves overcoming me, I went over to her. 

            “Mackenzie?”  Hastily, she looked up at me.  “I heard what you called me in the bathroom yesterday.  And I know it was you who wrecked my locker.” 

            She glared.  “Well, don’t act like a bitch, and I won’t call you one.” 

            I felt like I fire had just been lit inside of me.  “The only one here acting like that here is you.  You’re the one who lies to everyone.” 

            People must’ve heard me yell.  A small crowd of sky blue and yellow shirts was starting to gather around us.  Mackenzie made a nervous laugh.  Was it possible that she was getting afraid, of me?   

            “At least I’m not a little first grade tattle-tail.  Do you go cry to your mommy too?” 

            I couldn’t do it.  I just couldn’t.  I couldn’t keep my cool any longer.  I was so sick of Mackenzie ruining everything.  Something came over me that I’ve never felt before: rage.  Rage against Mackenzie’s fat, cocky self.  Without thinking, I shoved her.      

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