~Chapter 22~

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            Onward, Saturday.  We had the little party with all of us at the house for Fran’s homecoming, and Faith’s birthday.  Like I had imagined, Faith loved the pink panda bear I’d gotten her.  I still felt like Fran was avoiding me.  She would talk with everyone else, play games with Faith and Fox, but as soon as I’d walk in the room her whole mood changed.  It wasn’t really the “I hate you” attitude, but it was more of the “go away please” attitude.  I felt like she didn’t hate me but would rather not have me around.  Who even cares?  It’s just a public school.  I was getting more and more fed up with her.  How am I supposed to deal with my sister not talking to me for the next four months until we both leave for college? 

           I made a mental note to pray about that later.  It was a miracle that I was able to avoid her on Sunday because of work.  I’m telling you, I probably have over a thousand dollars in the bank by now.  I hadn’t spent my money on almost nothing.  Now, I was starting to save up on stuff for my dorm room.  When you go so far away, you need a ridiculous amount of stuff.  Meanwhile, work was getting easier in the sense that I was less worried about Mackenzie stopping by.  It had been over two weeks.  There was no way would see her again.  Maybe she was too scared of me?  That would be hilarious if that was the reason.  I kept on praying and asking God to please, just leave her out of my life for the time being.  So far, my prayers were being answered. 

           I was ecstatic for Monday.  I got to school and went right down to the main office, where we were supposed to buy our tickets for Senior Prom.  I was expecting there to be this huge line, but I only had to wait behind two people.  I went in, paid my seventy-five dollars, and got my paper ticket.  After that, I went to homeroom and showed it to Mai when she got in.  She just shrugged her shoulders.  “I’m a procrastinator.  I’ll wait until the last minute on Friday to get my ticket.” 

           Then, we have French.  We were all supposed to present our fairy tales to the class.  It’s not that nerve-wracking when your class only has about ten people in it.  Even though Hope kept telling me not to, I volunteered us to go first so we could get it over with.  I read the first half of “Les Trois Giraffes” and she read the second half.  On my part, I know I nailed it.  I’m good at French, and I’m comfortable in front of people.  I felt bad for Hope.  She didn’t seem as easy-going as I was with it.  Her voice shook the entire time and she mispronounced some words.  I don’t think she was so much afraid of being in front of the class, than she was of Madame Allen.  Let me tell you, because Hope is late sometimes, Madame Allen couldn’t stand her.  But in the end we got our claps from the class and Madame Allen looked like she enjoyed it.  So it seemed like we’d be in the safe-zone, grade wise. 

           Chorus was fun.  We got to practice on the risers.  As usual I was put on the top one, in the back row.  I’d always wondered what it was like to be right in the front like the short people…I’ll never know.  We sounded pretty well, but I accidently messed up one of our really high notes, which caused our teacher to yell at all the sopranos.  When I was looking out over the empty auditorium, I couldn’t help but think “I wonder if Fran is that mad at me, she won’t come tomorrow?”  She probably would though, whether she liked it or not.  As a family, if someone had a performance like a play or a concert, we all went−no excuses.  Mom and Dad would force her to go. 

            At lunch time, Hope and I talked about all the fairy tales in French while Mai read and I ate my entire salad with Caesar dressing.  Madame Allen yelled at Hope because she was “shuffling papers” while one of the groups was reading their fairy tale.  Hope was so angry.  She was only trying to re-organize her binder because a bunch of papers fell out of it.  No offense, but Madame Allen can really be unfair sometimes.  I do feel bad for her because of her perspiring problem, but she has targeted Hope for no apparent reason.  We never had teachers like that at Mercy.  Only once, there was a problem with my art teacher in eighth grade.  She literally despised me for no reason.        

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