Blueberry Pie

14 4 1

"Hey! Leave him alone!" A screeching bellow echoed from behind the massive beast. It cranked it's large, contorted head towards the face to the voice. A low, breathless growl escapes from it's drooling mouth.

A brave, young, four foot tall girl stood with her back arched towards the monster. Her shimmering golden hair blew with the wind that smells of rotten eggs and burnt flesh. Her thin, boney arms were bent, with her bruised fists planted firmly upon her thin hips. Her tired feet stood apart, her scraped chin was pointed high as her silver eyes glared sharp daggers at the beast that stood only a metre or two in front of her.

Standing at about ten feet tall, the beast huffed, long, sticky drool dripped from his mouth as he raised the left corner of his mouth and he snarled in a rough and low voice. His rough paws are scraped with broken claws that have seen many battles. The monster stretches out his fingers as his eyes interlock with the child's. His breathing is heavy and faint, his breathes were inconsistent, and he lurched forwards every time he took a deep breath.

"You Think That I Should Be Afraid Of You?" The beast throws his body at the child, his paws out and claws pointed towards the sprawny little girl. With one fell swoop of his giant left paw, he sends the girl soaring into the air. Or at the least, that was what he intended to do. But the tiny child dug her dirt crusted nails into the beast's skin and clung onto his claw as it made contact.

The Beast reels back, arching his left arm in the air, bringing the twig-like child into the air; a deep, manly roar fires from his mouth. The girl scowls, refusing to release her surprisingly strong grip from the monster's arm.

"What do you think you are doing you insolent child!" The beast growls, and flings his hairy body around, trying desperately to get the child off of him.

"I am saving my friend!" The girl screeches, digging her abnormally sharp fingernails into the abnormally fragile skin of the beast, as a crimson liquid springs from the markings left from the child's fingernail daggers.

"AARGHH!!!" The monster slams his child-wrapped arm onto the ground. The girl's back crashes against the rocky earth before the beast's hand graces it, her spine snapping against the curvature of the gravelled ground and she releases her grip from the monstrous beast.

The ground shakes from the weight of the beast as he stomps his large, twisted, feet back away from the boney child.

The girl twisted her cut and scored head towards the beast, her determined gaze, fixated on the beast. Her bones scream and groan as she strains her body and rises to her feet. The child with her gaze still glued to the beast before her, flicks her head to the side and then straightens up her spine. The child arcs the right corner of her mouth into a scowl as she cracks and pops her fingers, releasing the tension before thrusting them together into a pair of fists.

"What's wrong... dear child." Her tone scorn and fowl as she utters the word child. Relaying his harsh words back to him as she stamps in front of a lump of flesh, curled up in a moderately large puddle of mud and other brown items. "Are you going to go cry to your mommy now?"

The beast exhales a rough gasp of air, narrowing his scarred eyes at the girl. Despite being battered and beaten, she still seemed determined and still had tons of fight in her. The monster releases a breath of air, a snarl echoing through the stale, musty air.

"Get out." The child's eyes swear threats at the beast, she grits her blood stained teeth and cracks her fragile knuckles once again. Stretched as tall as she can get, her spine straightened, making her tiny figure appear larger than she was.

The beast remained where it stood, slouching his worn body, shrinking himself down. His claws relaxed and his tensed body screamed with fire. He clenched his jaw and a low bark jumped from his throat.

"I said get out!" The girl yapped with a threatening tone, her voice booms from the nearby trees, making her sounding louder and scarier than she was. "Now!"

The Beast curls his crusted lips inwards and snarls at the girl. His old eyes give the child one last look before he cranks his head away from her, his body soon following him.

"Whatever..." his low voice softens with disinterest in his tone. "It wouldn't be fair beating up a dumb little kid anyways." The monster lets out a low puff of air with his nose scrunched halfway up into his flattened skull. He then storms away, dragging his large heavy limbs at an inconsistent rate.

The tiny child waited for the beast to disappear within the forest's brush as he lugged his beaten and broken body away. Softening her stance, the girl would quickly spin on her heels, sending a burning scream running up the back of her legs from the heels of her feet. She would then face the lump lying in the mud and crouch her body down low.

"Hey... are you okay? He's gone now." Her voice was low and soft, almost calming and soothing if the air did not stink of burnt flesh and rotten eggs. "You are safe here with me." Her gaze softened as her right hand reached for the lump in the mud.

The clump in the mud stirred with a groan and moved his battered body to face the brave girl in front of him. A boy's face shone from the mud caked lump, it smelt of rotten flesh and burnt eggs. He stank of both too.

"Why did you do that for me?" His voice cracked and broke with his words as his body unraveled itself before the girl. "How are you so brave?"

"You're my ride or die, scamp. You're stuck with me and you can't get rid of me that easily!" She chirped, her beaten face twisting into a bright and cheerful grimace. "Besides," the girl grasped the boy's thin wrist with a light grip, careful not to break him. "I'm sure that you'd do the same for me too!" The girl pulled the boy onto his feet as she rose to hers, the boy fell upon her chest, using her as support as he stood on his destroyed pegs.

"Does that mean you'll help me fight all of my battles from here on out?" The boy whimpered as the girl began to stroll, slowly guiding his limp body towards their home.

"No, of course not!" The girl laughed and the boy moved his head down, his gaze fixated on a small pebble by the girl's feet.

"Oh..." his voice drifted with an expressionless tone, refusing to lift his head to face the girl.

"That's because I'm gonna teach you to fight your own battles, silly!" Using her free hand, she would lightly smack the boy's cheek, a wide smile painted upon her plush face. "Training starts tomorrow, so you better be ready!"

"O-okay." The boy's eyes widened with joy, "I won't let you down!"

"Good! And I won't let you down either!" The girl giggled and carried the boy all the way to their old-fashioned home.


Word Count: 1245

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