Raging Red

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I slam my lips against hers and for a moment it feels like we're the only two in the world.


A booming sound breaks the silence and I force open my eyes.

But all I could see was white before it faded to black.




"Wake up pretty princess~!" A sound echoes from around my waking body. Sores send a jolting pain sensation all throughout my body causing my eyes to thrust open with great force.

All around is white... it is all white... and then my eyes finally focus and a raging red blisters into view. The white hints change and morph into the scorching crimson flames that dance all around my quarantined body.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?" I speak out loud, my eyes trying hard to look at the blazing lights all around me. My hand reaches down to touch the ground, and it is met with an increasingly hot burning sensation.

"Ouch." I hiss at the earth and I move my gaze around the room. Looking for a way out from the burning place. Fire crawls up the walls, creating a cage of flames that surrounds me and one little thought pops into my mind that makes my heart sink further down into my chest.

"Holy shit... am I in Hell?" I gasp and a light chuckling noise breaks the heated silence. My eyes move first and my head follows suit, looking up to the voice over above.

A masucline being with a sharp and chiseled chin hovers prominently above a broken platform, almost fully engulfed by the flames that are scaling the walls around us. His paleish skin reflects the flames in the room, appearing almost like a phantom figure, transparent and see through.

He leans in towards my burning body and he grins like a creepy horror villain, just about to rip your fleshy limbs off and eat them for dinner. As his apparent floating head nears my unwilling shivering body, a flaky, crunchy, beard swirls with his movement, pointing downwards to form an upside-down triangle under his already spiked chin.

"Holy shit... I am in Hell aren't I?" I speak as the masculine being approaches me, now standing on the ground, level to me. His thing, twig-like body towers over me as I sit on my ass, forced to stare up at his scarlet toned suit clothed body.

"You could say that," the being speaks with the same cackling tone that I heard prior to seeing him. "But I prefer to call it my home, it is less scary that way. You know?"

"...No..." I move to nod my head, but change to moving it from the left side to the right side and back again, showing that I do not understand what the hell is going on in this moment.

"Wonderful! Then I shall explain!" He claps his crusty hands together, sending dust flakes shooting towards my person from his chapped hands. I wipe my face from the disgust that has fallen upon it, scrunching it up to show an expression of disgust in hopes of non-verbally telling him not to do that again.

"This is my game of chance! You have three chances to get free from my maze! If you win one little game, you and your child can go free!" The masculine creature takes a step back from me and stretches his arms out wide and he twirls ever so much away from me.

A rumbling noise follows and I can feel the earth move from below me. Suddenly a gaping hole in the wall behind him breaks open, revealing a secret entrance to a world unknown to my tired self.

"Stand up kid and I will show you to the first game! I hope you are Absolutely Fantasubly Amazing at riddles..." I place my hands on the burning ground and bare with the pain as I push off to move my body into a standing position. The being walks towards the entrance and my body does not yet follow.

I clasp my hands together and dust the dirt particles from my hands, trying to soothe the burning pain that echoes from them. Why should I follow this stranger that I have never met? My parents have always said to never speak to strangers, and yet one is now wanted me to follow.... Although, I suppose they never did mention that I should not follow one. My crisp hands rub against each other as I move my head to look towards the creature that was now almost to the hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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