My Only Love

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It was a glorious day! Her mother, the don't-you-come-back-in-here-until-you-pass-your-test mother, had taken one look at her this morning and turned into Ah-my-poor-baby-are-you-feeling-okay mother. Even Luna, more a stickler about schoolwork than her mom, had taken one look at Usagi's haggard face and consented, somewhat guiltily, that Usagi should take a day off from school and get some rest.

So that's what Usagi had done, sleeping deeply until two in the afternoon. Her mother had then pressed a hearty lunch on her, of which Usagi'd been more than happy to partake, then shooed her outside so Usagi could get some fresh air and sunlight.

Usagi was now feeling spiffy, lounging on a park bench, staring drowsily at a group of playing children, and congratulating herself on earning a little holiday. Why, maybe fighting all the time isn't all that bad...if I get to take every Friday off. Of course, mention of fighting brought her mood plummeting straight down. She'd been trying so hard to keep her mind off last night's disastrous meeting with Tuxedo Mask.

She groaned and covered her face with her hands, fighting the remembered humiliation. Stupid, stupid stupid! You finally get to talk to him and you FALL ASLEEP! God, Usagi, shape up!

But that wasn't even the worst of it! The worst part was the fact that Tuxedo Mask, her savior, her hero, her idol, her everything, had called her incompetent. It was the very last nail in the coffin, driving the point that Usagi totally sucked at everything she did. Come on, girl, how hard can pointing a little wand thingy be? WHY are you such a screw-up? And why...oh, why couldn't Tuxedo Mask see how the very last thing she ever needed from him was criticism?

Usagi heard the shrieks of laughter from the kids and wished that she could join in, escape the reality of another failure for even a little while. She slanted one eye open and watched enviously as they played with a raggedy frisbee, throwing it with more enthusiasm than talent. Then a little girl misjudged distance and threw the disk right at Usagi.

Usagi watched dispassionately as it flew towards her face with frightening speed. It would take a simple reflex to catch the disc expertly, but she really didn't care if it hit her or not. Poetic justice to get knocked out by a frisbee of all things. After all, maybe she'd get a concussion and wouldn't have to face Tuxedo Mask in another fight for a long, long time.

Usagi closed her eyes and waited for it to hit, wondering idly just how much it would hurt...

"My god, you are the laziest girl I've ever seen! Can't you even move long enough to get out of the way, Odango Atama?"

Usagi would recognize that voice anywhere. How couldn't I recognize the voice of the very devil himself? She didn't even have to open her eyes to see that he'd also caught the frisbee, ruining her chance at unconsciousness.

"Hello, Satan. Out for a neighborly stroll today, looking for new souls to suck dry?" she deadpanned, feeling the cleansing power of anger wash over her depression. Well, if she couldn't let some kids bonk her on the head, she might as well take out her frustrations on him.

Mamoru frowned down at the girl on the bench and carelessly threw the frisbee back at the group of kids. He didn't like the fact that she hadn't even deigned to look at him when she insulted him.

"You are the most infuriating kid," he commented, smiling shortly when she grimaced at the word "kid." "And don't call me Satan."

"Then don't call me Odango Atama," she countered.

"I'll call you whatever I want, Odango Atama."

"Whatever, Satan."

"Odango Ata-" Mamoru stopped, blushing furiously as he realized how childish he was acting. Correction: how childishly she had prompted him into acting. He, mature 17 year-old, refused to stoop to the level of this teenage girl.

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