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One Night Stand Tip Number One: when it's time to go, be as quick and quiet as possible

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One Night Stand Tip Number One: when it's time to go, be as quick and quiet as possible. No matter what you read in love stories and whatever those bullshit dating articles say, it's not a dick move to leave in the morning without goodbye when you both know it was meant to be a one time thing. But just in case they suddenly change their mind for God knows what reason, get the hell out of there as soon as possible and do it quietly.

Tip Number Two: always remember where you threw your clothes the night before. Jeans are expensive and do you really want to leave your underwear in someone else's house? Didn't think so.

Tip Number Three: never leave the door open. Lock the doors before you go out. I know it sounds crazy, but you don't want random guys finding an unconscious naked girl in an empty room and let them do whatever the hell they want just because your stupid ass left the door open.

Or don't and be a dick then go to hell when you die. Really, it's up to you if you want to be a sick son of a bitch.

The door's locked and holy shit there is a shit ton of people passed out on this hallway. Some smell like weed, some smell like alcohol, some smell like smoke, and some smell like their daddy's cutting off their credit cards for the next week the second they get home. The stairs aren't any better either 'cause I can already guess which one's are definitely getting a stiff neck when they wake up. Thankfully, the kitchen is empty of passed out kids.

Jackson's one of the more considerate guys for the when the sun rises the next day. The dude always manages to put down Advil and all that hangover shit on the dining table every morning before going to his own room and crashing without being seen. Sometimes, he leaves a half empty coffee pot out in the open and when it's still warm, I get a cup for myself. Seems to be my lucky day because he did just that and it's definitely fresh and hot enough to burn my tongue off.

Grabbing a mug, I pour myself a hefty amount of the caffeine when Lisa comes in rubbing her eyes. Her hair's all over the place, there's a wet patch on her shirt, and she looks like absolute shit, smells like it too. Eventually, she notices my existence then groans before popping one of the pills in her mouth, plopping on a chair, then crossing her arms on the table and burying her face in it.

"Well don't you just look peachy?" I snide.

She groans again and gives out a muffled, "Fuck you." with her middle finger raised.

I laugh a little before taking a sip and ah, fuck, it's hot. Gotta play it cool though, can't let her know my tongue is burning like hell. A few minutes pass and my taste buds are numb when she finally stands up.

"Going home?" I ask.

"Yes," she replies with a drawl while trying to find her keys, "if I can remember where I put my stupid keys."

I put my halfway finished coffee down and felt up her car keys in the pocket of my jeans. For a second I was confused but then I remembered how she forced me to drive because she needed to do her makeup in the car. If I was an idiot, I'd toss them to her, but I felt like I needed to know something first.

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