Sneak peek at chapter 3

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(Wham!) our partial draconian friend seems to have met Kakashi Yaoyorozu, Momo's father.
"That's for getting my daughter pregnant Mr. Bodily Destruction." Kakashi said.
"I deserved that and I won't deny it." Izuku says before going into Lala Land.
"Thanks you father, for KNOCKING OUT MY HUSBAND AND RIDE BACK TO SCHOOL!!!" Says an ug... (Glares at me). Gulp. I mean a lovely heiress.
"Honey help me." K
"WAIT! HUSBAND!?" Both parents yell.
"We got married last night. And no we're not going to split up."

Ironfury here. Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. I had a lot of fun writing this, but this is probably going to be a little different in the final product. If anyone has a name for momo's mother please dm me it s I'm not really good with female names. Also this was going to be a different scene but I decided that scene would be the sneak peek for chapter 4. Constructive criticism is welcome. Flames not so much. If you don't like don't read.

Ironfury out,

(On hiatus until further notice) Izukuxmomo drunken marriageWhere stories live. Discover now