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/Uh- let's pretend time doesn't exsist for a second bc I had an idea about his scar-

Gavin Reed was known for being a hothead, starting fights with people he probably shouldn't. Seeing the detective with a bruise on his cheek or knuckles, and occasionally dried blood under his nose became the norm to any who knew him. Of course, he never started fights at work; he was much too passionate about his work. He'd snap at people, borderline threaten even, but never threw a punch at the station.

He wouldn't talk about why the fight was provoked or even where it happened half the time. He would act as if his face was clean of any wounds, focusing on work when he wanted to or slacking off, depending on the mood and how much he slept. The only times he'd seem to acknowledge the bruises was when they'd sting at a forgetful touch.

Until one day, the detective was at his desk. His hood was up and his face hidden within the shadows and fabric. It was just assumed that he was really tired, so no one asked. No one asked until the hood fell when he came back inside from a smoking break, a slightly bloody bandage across his nose. Despite the stares, Gavin acted as if nothing was different about himself that day. He acted as if nothing had happened between the hours of when he left work yesterday to before coming into work, though he seemed more physically tired than usual.

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