Imagine #1 (Steve Rogers)

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Imagine being in love with Steve and realizing he went back to be with Peggy

You hugged Steve goodbye.
"Be safe, don't go finding trouble. Drop the stones and come right back. Okay."
He didn't answer instead he bent down and kissed you on the forehead.
You wrapped your arms around his neck one more time.
"I love you," he whispered into your ear.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach. Steve had never said that to you before. There had always been tension between the two but you never thought he loved anyone other than Peggy. You let it go but deep down you had longed for something more than a friendship with him.
"Ready," Bruce said.
You shook it off the two of you looking away from each other blushes on your face. You stepped away from Steve. The two of you could figure it out when he came back.
He was ready, ready to go back and put the stones were they belonged. He insisted on going alone, you had offered, but he just replied with a harsh no.
Bruce sent him back and you started to count down.
"Banner, what's going on, why isn't he back!"
Your mind raced with questions as you began to grow concerned.
What if he was wrong.
You needed him. You couldn't lose him.
"(Y/n)," Bucky said solemnly.
"What Bucky, our friend is missing, I have a right to panic."
"Just look."
You turned around to see a man sitting on a bench. He looked older, it didn't take long for you to realize who it was.
"No," you whispered. "Please, no."
All the guys looked at you with pity, they knew you loved him, hell the whole team knew you loved him, except the man himself of course.
You slowly walked up to him, your body began to shake.
This wasn't fair. You didn't deserve this.
"(Y/n), how are you?"
The voice was old and hoarse, but there was no doubt about who it was.
"How am I," you questioned.
Was he joking?
"Maybe not the right question to ask," he stated simply.
"Of course it isn't the right fucking question to ask, look at you," you yelled at him.
This broke you, it really was Steve, not your Steve. I guess now he could never be your Steve.
"What did you do," your voice began to break. You couldn't hold it together much longer.
"I had to, she was right in front of me," his voice cracked.
"So was I," you whispered back.
"Oh, my sweet (y/n), please don't cry."
He wiped his thumb over your tears, but it felt different. His fingers were now rough and felt dry against your skin.
You pulled away.
"You know when I got there and I saw Peggy, I thought no Steve you missed your chance. Then I thought about you and how you were waiting here for me. The fact is, no matter what feelings I had for you, I couldn't throw away my feelings for her. I owed it to myself to see what would happen with her. You have to understand (y/n), he sounded desperate for your forgiveness.
You wanted to forgive him, truly you did but you couldn't understand why you hadn't been good enough.
"I never got to say it and I guess it doesn't matter know but, I love you too Steve."
You stood up and rushed away, leaving Steve sitting there by himself. Bucky and Sam both tried to stop you but you pushed past them.
The tears were flowing down your face now and you needed to be alone, needed to hide from the world.
You had never experienced heartbreak like this.
You looked out your window, seeing the old stranger talking to Bucky and Sam. Steve seemed happy, content.
At least one of you two would get your happy endings.

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