Imagine #4 (Steve Rogers)

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Imagine Steve being in love with you

Steve Rogers was not one to fall in love. To clarify he was not one to fall in love more than once. That's what he assumed at least.
Peggy Carter would always have a place in his heart. The thought of her forever sending a jolt of electricity through his body, followed by a twinge of sadness. She would always be the girl he loved, but as he stared at your beauty he wasn't so sure she would be the last girl he loved.
Was that so wrong, to love two women?
Most definitely, but he just couldn't help it. He watched as you talked to Tony, the beauty practically radiating off of you.
You were one of the youngest avengers on the team and since the day he laid eyes on you he was intrigued. Of course, being the gentleman(wimp) Steve was when it came to feelings he never acted on anything. Besides he was much older than you.
Wasn't he older than everyone though?
He shook the reasoning out of his head.
It would be inappropriate.
He watched as you laughed at something Tony had said, your head going back as you held your stomach, a gleam in your eye. You looked around the room for a slight second, catching his gaze you smiled up at him. His heart was doing summersaults as he gave you a light smile back. Once again your attention was back on Tony, a slight blush had made its way onto your cheeks, trying to hide a small innocent smile.
What kind of dirty joke had he told her?
"You should just go ask her out." Steve rolled his eyes taking a sip of his drink, which by the way wasn't nearly strong enough.
"I'm just saying your embarrassing yourself, I brought a napkin over if you want to wipe the drool away," Nat said with a smirk.
"Shut up Nat, I don't like her, we're just friends. Besides she's too young for me anyway."
It hurt how true that statement probably was. "Well, that's good then because that guy over there sure likes her. Shame though, I was rooting for you two," Nat said a slight frown on her face.
Steve whipped his head back to the last spot he saw you but you were nowhere to be seen. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on your perfect navy blue dress, swaying along to the music in the arms of some guy. He recognized him as some new intern.
Leave it to Tony to hire a flirt.
Steve could feel the jealousy coursing through his veins, fists clenching together.
You were laughing at something he had said but the smile didn't reach your eyes. Maybe to the rest of the world, it wasn't obvious but to Steve, who knew you inside and out, he could tell you were uncomfortable.
Without thinking his legs started moving closer to you and the man, his mind willing him to stop. He was right next to the two of you standing awkwardly while you continued to sway with the intern.
"Steve", you asked quizzically, although he could swear there was relief in your voice. "Babe, there you are I've been looking for you." The intern didn't seem to get the hint and continued dancing with you.
"What are you talking about Steve?"
Steve chuckled, "what can't I dance with my beautiful girlfriend, he said, for some reason, his common sense couldn't keep up with his mind. This time the intern did get the hint, he let go of your waist, awkwardly said goodbye, then left.
A blush had made its way onto your face, you hoped it was covered by the party lights. "Sorry, you just seemed uncomfortable," Steve said scratching the back of his neck.
"T-thank you," you managed to get out.
"No problem," he said before turning around. "Wait Steve."
"Yeah," he said turning back around.
"Aren't you going to dance with your girlfriend," you said winking.
He laughed nervously and walked up to you grabbing your waist, as the two of you began swaying to the music.
"I have a confession", he whispered, his heartbeat becoming faster.
"Well, I-I," he stuttered.
Standing on your tiptoes you pressed your lips to his.
"I feel the same way."
He breathed a sigh of relief.
Maybe he was one to fall in love with more than once.
With that he pressed his lips to your soft ones, the rest of the team cheering behind you.

Captain America imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora