Imagine #2(Steve Rogers)

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Imagine getting sick and Steve taking care of you

It started out out as a tickle in your throat, barely bothering you went through your day, as usual, coughing every once and a while, however, you brushed it off. You were an avenger after all you didn't get sick.
In the middle of the night, you woke up. Your throat was throbbing and burned every time you swallowed, to make it all worse you couldn't breathe properly out of your nose.
You tried so hard to go back to sleep, you tossed and turned for a while until you had enough. Finally getting out of bed you stumble to your medicine cabinet. Once you were drugged up you were able to go to sleep, hoping when you woke up you would be good as new.
This wasn't the case though. You woke up feeling even worse then you did through the night. Coughing every few seconds and sneezing every few minutes you were a mess. You definitely had a fever.
Did this stop you from going down for your training day? Of course not.
Sick or not you sure as hell weren't passing up a day to train with Steve. Just you and him alone, no sir you would suffer through just to see him.
So there you were hair half brushed, nose running, and cheeks tinged pink from your hot skin, heading down to the gym.
You got there earlier than Steve as you usually did so that you could show him how eager you were to practice. Being the new avenger on the team you still had to prove yourself worthy.
As you started to feel woozy you decided it would be for the best if you skipped warming-up today. Besides sneezes were similar to crunches, right and if you looked at it that way you had already done about 1,000 crunches today.
You sat down on the bench waiting for Steve, your hands on your knees and your head between your legs.
"(Y/n), are you alright?"
Whipping your head upwards you looked at Steve.
With an attempt at a half-smile, you stared at Steve and replied, "yep all good Cap."
He looked skeptical, "alright then let's get started."
You started to stand up, you could feel your legs shaking and head spinning.
The second you stood all the way up your legs gave out.
Lucky for you Steve was there and was quick enough to catch you in his strong arms.
He felt your head. At the feeling of his touch electric waves coursed through your body.
"(Y/n), why did you come today, your burning up."
You weren't thinking, the sickness was taking over your brain and making you word vomit.
"I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see you."
Upon hearing this Steve's cheeks burned bright red.
With a light chuckle slipping from his lips he said, "that's very flattering doll, now how about we get you to bed."
That's when you felt it more word vomit running up your throat, unfortunately for you, it wasn't word vomit this time but real vomit. The even more unfortunate part was that you ended up throwing up on both Steve and yourself.
Steve didn't even flinch and instead picked your weak frame-up.
"Alright then, lets get us both cleaned up shall we."
As he carried you to the bathroom you looked up at him.
God, he was attractive!
He looked down at you as a small smile graced his lips.
Setting you down careful on the ground he began to clean you up, apologizing profusely when he had to take your shirt off to clean it, leaving you only in your sports bra. Feeling dazed you were barely aware of your surroundings, but it didn't go unnoticed how gentle and considerate Steve was being.
When he was done cleaning you both off he poured you some medicine.
"Are you good to stand?"
Snapping out of your daze you nodded yes and prayed your wobbly legs wouldn't fail you.
Apparently, you hadn't prayed hard enough as your legs gave way, once again placing you in the strong arms of Steve.
He picked you up bridal style and took you to your room, tucking you under your covers and heading to the door.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?
He had already done enough but the medicine hadn't fully kicked in, the sickness still controlling your brain, you word vomited again.
"Could you stay with me, please Steve."
He seemed hesitant as he looked from the door to the bed. Finally, he gave in and sat down next to you, gently stroking your hair.
With a kiss on your temple, he whispered in your ear, "get some rest (y/n), you feel better soon."
With Steve laying next to you were already beginning to feel better.
Maybe you should get sick more often.

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