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A splash of color on a white canvas. What was it? Paint? Blood? Maybe it was a flower petal. I don't remember. I just remember I had a dream where colors were spilling from my eyes and mouth. I knew that the room was the white canvas, but all I could see was the colors swirling in my eyes.

When my eyes cleared, I saw a raven painted in yellow, brown, and red holding a flower in its beak. I don't remember what it was, but it was a pink flower. What was it again? Ambrosia? No, that wasn't it, it couldn't have been. It was the wrong shape to be a carnation, too.

Oh wait, I know now. It was an Azalea. I remember because I started studying them soon after. Man, that was a strange dream. I wish I'd known what it had meant sooner, though.

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