chapter 2

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When Dipper finally woke up, his stomach was growling. His brain hadn't fully processed what was happening around him.

He slowly sat up, and looked around slowly.

He snapped out of it when he noticed the suitcases, everything that happened yesterday came back to him. Groaning, he fell back into bed and just layed there for a bit.

He moved his hand to the side, and searched blindly for his phone. Bringing it close to his face when he found it, and turned it on.

Enduring the brightness, he squinted at the phone. 11:51 pm. No new notifications. Sighing, he turned it back off, and let his hand flop to the side. The after image of the screen still stuck to his eyelids.

After it had finally gone away, he opened his eyes again and tried to adjust to the darkness of the room. Looking up at the ceiling, he gathered up his will to live as well as much needed motivation as he possibly could before he got up.

His limbs apparently didn't get the memo that he was awake, because he almost face planted on the ground.

Bills laugh echoed in the space. The necklace with the triangle on it started to float up, it detached from the string around his neck, and morphed into a human.

That 'charm' was bill ciphers physical body.

Still laughing, bill floated down enough to where he would be hovering over the ground.

"You are TOO funny, pine tree!" He giggled, relishing under dippers crippling glare. Grabbing dippers arm, he helped him up.

"You're a bitch y'know that?" Said dipper with a cough. It was still hella dusty. Cleaning off his pajamas, he started to walk towards his luggage.

Bill seemed highly offended with the way dipper disregarded his existence, and trailed off after dipper. While doing so, he snapped and brightened the room a bit with a ball of light and floating it to the roof saying it was too dark.

"Well, Yea, I know that! But that doesn't mean that you have to ignore me like that!!" Bill stated with a fake tear in his eye, floating above as dipper begun to slowly unpack.

Dipper continued to ignore him.

A tick mark appeared over bills head, then he grinned. "Well, than I guess you don't want any Mc Donald's..." He trailed off, floating away. Smirking when he heard dipper pause.

Sighing, dipper turned around. "What do you want." Bills smirk widened, he turned around. "Oh, nothing dipper" he said. And turned right back around and Snapped his fingers as Mc Donald's appeared on the bed. Floating towards it he started to prepare it a bit more.

Dipper looked skeptical as he approached the meal "So, you really want nothing..." He said quietly, sitting down. Grabbing a few Fry's.

"Yep!!" He said looking at him. Dipper was quick to shush him. Bill waved it off, focusing more on the food.

They sat in silence under the soft glow of the light, not the awkward kind, the comfortable kind.

As bill drank some pop. And no, he did not pour it on his eyes, dipper taught him better.

Dipper Finished the meal and as bill got rid of the garbage, dipper went back to unpacking, having another conversation with bill.

I'm ending this here for now, I'll rewrite and add more to this chapter when I'm up for it.  it's better than nothing right? 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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