Chapter Ten

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"Your kidding, right?" Kody questioned tiredly. I shook my head. I had to hand it to her, I didn't expect her to take it like this, I mean well. At all. the most she's done is been snappy.

I quickly learned not to speak too soon. She set her coffee down on the tile and stood. I immediately went alert, having my arms at the ready in case she passed out, or swung at me. Instead, she whirled around, her fist flying at the wall.

It went through. She pulled away, her fist bloodied. there was a crater in the wall as deep as two of her fists and as wide as one.

I gapped at her, jaw totally slack.

"Shut your mouth, your gonna catch flies that way." she stated, distantly. She was surprised too, you could just tell. This wasn't normal for anyone really. But I mean, who can put a dent in a stone wall?

I ran to the first bathroom, that I had recently learned was the one she put all of her weird prepping stuff and her medical things in. I snagged a wash cloth and some rubbing alcohol for the deeper cuts, band aids for after,etc.

She let me clean her hand while she drank her coffee, only hissing slightly into the mug when I smeared the alcohol onto the biggest of the cuts.

I was still very curious as to how she got that strong, and if she was surprise about the incredible strength or if it was something else. All together she was taking this whole day very well, brim held hostage for a short time, finding out she was a hunter, the news of a sibling, and then denting stone.

Needless to say it was a very eventful evening.


Hey, sorry this was short but I kind of come to a dead end when I'm writing his point of view, I can only go so far I guess, ha. But anyways, thanks for the reads so far and don't forget to comment and vote! Please message me or comment the things you do and/or don't like!!! Don't be scared!!! Lol thanks follow me on insta @ Your_Kidding_Right. !!!!!!! Bye

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