Why people shouldn't go to basements

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    After a shower in lamp light, I thought of sleeping. I wasn't hungry for food anymore. I wanted to know what was in the book. Changing into a comfy  pyjama, I lit the bedside lamp and jumped on the bed with the book. I was worried that it might crumble into pieces as it felt so fragile to touch. It looked like a diary. I turned to first page and started reading.

Dear diary,
    I want to write down the things which are happening. Because some strange things has been happening. Today I went to the basement to find some boxes for a school project. I found an old diary in there. It looked really old. It couldn't have been mom's. It was like a fairytale. That girl in the book claimed that she has magic. I think maybe the girl who wrote it must have been ill. I feel sorry for her. I'm being called for dinner. I'll tell more tomorrow.

It felt strange reading about another diary from a diary which I found in the same place. It was a curious entry.

Dear diary,
    I'm at the school. I have the diary with me. Today I found out a strange thing. The girl which the diary belonged had attended the same school as me. I feel so connected with her now. Yesterday night I had a dream. I don't remember much details but I remember that the girl whom the diary belonged to was in it. I wish I remember what happened in the dream. The teacher just came. I'll write more later.

There were more entries but I was feeling sleepy. I slowly drifted off holding the book to my chest.

It was gloomy. I was near a river. The water of the river looked so dark. I continued to gaze at it while cold wind was making sounds by colliding with nearby tree branches. It was a full moon day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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