Chapter 2

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The rich aroma of tea filled the comfortable wood panelled office, yet it wasn't enough to ease the stress within Erwin's mind and somehow he can't voice out the things he planned to tell to the waiting woman infront of him.

"So you're telling me, you called me here just to remind me to take care of my own squad? Just who do you take me for mr. Smith?" both hands resting on her hips the dark eyed woman smirked.

"Those three aren't your normal cadets (Y/N)." the blonde said in a low voice still trying to find the words he needed to express his thoughts.

He wanted to let (Y/N) know about the plan he has in mind and how those three are planning on killing him but words won't seem to form no matter how hard he tried.

"They aren't, I was able to see with my own eyes. I see now why they aren't placed in Flagon's Squad, they'd be a total ruckus." the female said as she stood from her seat.

"Well if that's all then I better head out now, I still need to introduce them to Sairam." taking Erwin's nod as her que to leave, the [c] haired woman left his office heading to her own.

Opening her door, the figure of a charcoal haired male cleaning around greeted her.

"Oh perfect timing Sairam!" the latter swiftly dropped the broom and gave (Y/N) a salute.

"How many times--"

"Captain." the serious male interrupted letting the female know that he's not going to stop doing the said deed at any moment.

Laughing at how serious her only left squad member was she gently patted his hair.

"You sure did matured allot haven't you?"--sitting herself on her newly cleaned table she gazed down to her feet--"though I'm not quite sure why you still have some respect towards me."

"A soldier's loyalty is always with his Captain."

"A captain who tends to always get her team wiped out?" she laughed out.

"One dies because of his own stupidity."

Silence filled the room as soon as those words left the soldier's mouth. Sairam who was soon to be aware of the weight of his words instantly regretted it, once again opening his mouth to murmur an apology his squad leader stopped him from doing so.

"You're too serious Sairam~" she cooed as she grabbed Sairam's cheeks and pulling it on both sides "you should smile more!" startling the young man.

"Y-yes!" he stuttered saluting.

"Now, why don't you call those three so that we can start our little meeting." jumping from the table, (Y/N) spun Sairam around making him face the door.

Sighing softly the male started to walk towards the door.

"You act too much like a child sometimes Captain... I don't get it." he softly said closing the door behind him.

Now left with no one but herself the [c] haired female did a few stretches after walking towards the wooden cabinet near her table.

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